peerjs-audio-chat Public
Forked from nwah/peerjs-audio-chatWebRTC / PeerJS audio chat demo
JavaScript UpdatedSep 14, 2020 -
react-native-starter-kit Public
Forked from mcnamee/react-native-starter-kit🚀 A React Native + React (web) & Firebase (optional) boilerplate app to get you up and running very, very quickly 🚀
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 12, 2019 -
material2 Public
Forked from angular/componentsMaterial Design components for Angular
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedJul 27, 2017 -
mean Public
Forked from linnovate/meanMEAN (Mongo, Express, Angular, Node) - A Simple, Scalable and Easy starting point for full stack javascript web development - utilizing many of the best practices we've found on the way
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 29, 2017 -
arduino-led-rgb Public
Forked from girliemac/arduino-led-rgbA poor man's HUE smart light bulb demo with Arduino and RGB common cathode LED
CSS MIT License UpdatedJun 30, 2016 -
todomvc Public
Forked from tastejs/todomvcHelping you select an MV* framework - Todo apps for Backbone.js, Ember.js, AngularJS, and many more
JavaScript Other UpdatedMay 18, 2016 -