stream-line-live-young-fork Public
Forked from clean-code-craft-tcq-4/stream-line-live-youngstream-line-live-young created by GitHub Classroom
Java MIT License UpdatedOct 30, 2022 -
msp430-code Public
a set of sample msp430 code contributed by A.Ashwin and friends
pyhht Public
Forked from jaidevd/pyhhtPython toolbox for the Hilbert-Huang transform
Python UpdatedJul 30, 2013 -
mne-python Public
Forked from mne-tools/mne-pythonMNE : Magnetoencephalography (MEG) and Electroencephalography (EEG) in Python
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedMay 29, 2013 -
Lyapunov Public
Forked from jackhall/LyapunovA library for numerically integrating nonlinear dynamical systems.
Python UpdatedMay 24, 2013 -
steam-for-linux Public
Forked from ValveSoftware/steam-for-linuxIssue tracking for the Steam for Linux beta client
UpdatedMay 13, 2013 -
garden.graph Public
Forked from kivy-garden/garden.graphDisplays plots on a graph.
Python UpdatedMay 3, 2013 -
PythonEEGMindWave Public
Forked from WAEliasmith/PythonEEGMindWavePython code for getting real time data out of a mindwave.
kPyWavelet Public
Forked from regeirk/pycwtContinuous wavelet transform module for Python. Includes a collection of routines for wavelet transform and statistical analysis via FFT algorithm. This module references to the numpy, scipy and py…
Python UpdatedMar 7, 2013 -
pyentropy Public
Forked from robince/pyentropyInformation Theoretic Tools for Python
C GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedFeb 25, 2013 -
eegtools Public
Forked from breuderink/eegtoolsCollection of Python modules for EEG analysis. Includes EDF+ and BDF loaders, scalp plots and commonly used spatial filters.
Python UpdatedJan 9, 2013 -
stellaris-launchpad-template-gcc Public
Forked from scompo/stellaris-launchpad-template-gccA template to build projects with the stellaris launchpad in linux.
C UpdatedNov 30, 2012 -
msp-exp430G2 Public
Forked from h5b/msp-exp430G2msp-gcc examples targeted at TI's MSP430 LaunchPad (M430G2452) Revision 1.5
C UpdatedNov 21, 2012 -
EEGlib Public
Forked from Crisly/EEGlibEEG data analysis library for python
Python UpdatedOct 3, 2012 -
pywt Public
Forked from nigma/pywtPyWavelets - Discrete Wavelet Transform in Python
C MIT License UpdatedSep 1, 2012 -
msp430-launchpad Public
Forked from alanbarr/msp430-launchpadSmall projects and code examples for TI's MSP430 Launchpad (MSP-EXP430G2)
C UpdatedJun 17, 2012 -
eegpy Public
Forked from thorstenkranz/eegpyLibrary for the analysis of EEG / MEG data
Python Other UpdatedMay 25, 2012 -
pbrain Public
Forked from nipy/pbrainPython EEG and ECoG analysis software by John Hunter et al
Python UpdatedMar 30, 2011 -