The OpenPayU PHP library provides integration access to the PayU Gateway API ver. 2
The following PHP extensions are required:
- cURL
- hash
Full implementation guide [Polish].
Lots of methods need a parameter which value is a ORDER_ID. ORDER_ID is an identifier that is set by PayU Payment system, and it's used to invoke remote methods.
There are two ways to get ORDER_ID.
- In the first case when you receive notification message from PayU Payment System as a result of payment.
- In the second case, when you get a response from method OpenPayU_Order::create. In both cases you will find ORDER_ID using this statement: $response->getResponse()->orderId.
Add this line to your application's:
require_once 'lib/openpayu.php';
require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/../../config.php';
##Configure To configure OpenPayU environment you must provide a set of mandatory data:
OpenPayU_Configuration::setMerchantPosId('145227'); // POS ID (Checkout)
OpenPayU_Configuration::setSignatureKey('13a980d4f851f3d9a1cfc792fb1f5e50'); //Second MD5 key. You will find it in admin panel.
Remember: All keys in "order array" must be in lowercase.
###Creating order using HTML form
File with working example: examples/v2/order/GeneratedOrderForm.php
To create an order using HTML form you must provide an Array with order data:
in your controller
$order['continueUrl'] = 'http://localhost/';
$order['notifyUrl'] = 'http://localhost/';
$order['customerIp'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$order['merchantPosId'] = OpenPayU_Configuration::getMerchantPosId();
$order['description'] = 'New order';
$order['currencyCode'] = 'PLN';
$order['totalAmount'] = 3200;
$order['extOrderId'] = '1342';
$order['products']['products'][0]['name'] = 'Product1';
$order['products']['products'][0]['unitPrice'] = 1000;
$order['products']['products'][0]['quantity'] = 1;
$order['products']['products'][1]['name'] = 'Product2';
$order['products']['products'][1]['unitPrice'] = 2200;
$order['products']['products'][1]['quantity'] = 1;
$order['buyer']['email'] = '[email protected]';
$order['buyer']['phone'] = '123123123';
$order['buyer']['firstName'] = 'Jan';
$order['buyer']['lastName'] = 'Kowalski';
$orderFormData = OpenPayU_Order::hostedOrderForm($order);
in your view
<?php echo $orderFormData; ?>
or just
echo $orderFormData
###Creating order using REST API
File with working example: examples/v2/order/OrderCreate.php
To create an order using REST API in back-end you must provide an Array with order data:
in your controller
$order['continueUrl'] = 'http://localhost/';
$order['notifyUrl'] = 'http://localhost/';
$order['customerIp'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$order['merchantPosId'] = OpenPayU_Configuration::getMerchantPosId();
$order['description'] = 'New order';
$order['currencyCode'] = 'PLN';
$order['totalAmount'] = 3200;
$order['extOrderId'] = '1342';
$order['products']['products'][0]['name'] = 'Product1';
$order['products']['products'][0]['unitPrice'] = 1000;
$order['products']['products'][0]['quantity'] = 1;
$order['products']['products'][1]['name'] = 'Product2';
$order['products']['products'][1]['unitPrice'] = 2200;
$order['products']['products'][1]['quantity'] = 1;
$order['buyer']['email'] = '[email protected]';
$order['buyer']['phone'] = '123123123';
$order['buyer']['firstName'] = 'Jan';
$order['buyer']['lastName'] = 'Kowalski';
$response = OpenPayU_Order::create($order);
header('Location:'.$response->getResponse()->redirectUri); //You must redirect your client to PayU payment summary page.
###Retrieving order from OpenPayU
File with working example: examples/v2/order/OrderRetrieve.php
You can retrieve order by its PayU order_id
$response = OpenPayU_Order::retrieve('Z963D5JQR2230925GUEST000P01'); //as parameter use ORDER_ID
###Cancelling order
File with working example: examples/v2/order/OrderCancel.php
You can cancel order by its PayU order_id
$response = OpenPayU_Order::cancel('Z963D5JQR2230925GUEST000P01'); //as parameter use ORDER_ID
###Updating order status
File with working example: examples/v2/order/OrderStatusUpdate.php
You can update order status to accept order.
$status_update = array(
"orderId" => 'Z963D5JQR2230925GUEST000P01', //as value use ORDER_ID
"orderStatus" => 'COMPLETED'
$response = OpenPayU_Order::statusUpdate($status_update);
###Handling notifications from PayU
File with working example: examples/v2/order/OrderNotify.php
PayU sends requests to your application when order status changes
$body = file_get_contents('php://input');
$data = stripslashes(trim($body));
$response = OpenPayU_Order::consumeNotification($data);
$rsp = OpenPayU::buildOrderNotifyResponse($response->Response->Order->OrderId);
//you should response to PayU with special structure (OrderNotifyResponse)
header("Content-Type: application/json");
echo json_encode(OpenPayU_Util::parseXmlDocument(stripslashes($rsp)));
###Refund money
File with working example: examples/v2/refund/RefundCreate.php
You can create refund to refund money on buyer account
$refund = OpenPayU_Refund::create(
'Z963D5JQR2230925GUEST000P01', //as a value use ORDER_ID
'Money refund', //Description - required
'100' //Amount - If not provided, returns whole transaction, optional
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