in partnership with the European Space Agency
NASA Web World Wind is a JavaScript-based SDK that can be customised to publish the GSKY Web Map Service as a web app. We have added the GEOGLAM and DEA layers as published at the following URLs.
To be able to view from the web, the pages must reside on a webserver that is publicly accessible. The DEV environment at NCI is behind firewalls and cannot run a web server that is publicly accessible. For this demo, the pages are therefore hosted on the WebGenie server ( It is only a temporary location.
The /examples directory has several *.html and *.js files that can be adapted for various map services. We have adapted the following files for making the demo pages.
=> /examples/geoglam.html
and /examples/dea.html
=> /examples/geoglam.js
and /examples/dea.js
The salient code changes from the original are listed below. Cosmetic and text-only changes are not listed.
<script data-main="geoglam" src=""></script>
The value, "geoglam", for 'data-main' denotes "geoglam.js", which is the only JavaScript file required to be altered. Replace it with 'dea' in the dea.html.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="custom.css">
The 'custom.css' has changes to the button and text styles to include more layers on one page. They overwrite the defaults in
<table class="jumbotron hidden-xs" style="width:100%">
Header logos and text at the top and footer at the bottom of the page.
// Center the map on Alice Springs:
wwd.navigator.lookAtLocation.latitude = -26;
wwd.navigator.lookAtLocation.longitude = 134;
wwd.navigator.range = 8e6;
The above code brings Australia to the forefront, instead of USA, and centers it on the map. The 'navigator.range' denotes the altitude above the equator from where the image is viewed. Thus, 8e6 means 8,000 meters or 8km above Earth.
var layers = [
{layer: new WorldWind.BMNGLayer(), enabled: false},
{layer: new WorldWind.BingRoadsLayer(null), enabled: true},
These are the basemaps and other layers such as controls. Set as true/false to display them initially. Can be toggled as in the case of GSKY layers.
var serviceAddress = "";
The URL of GSKY production server. Replace 'geoglam' with 'dea' in 'dea.js'.
var layerName1 = "landsat5_geomedian";
var layerTitle1 = "LS5 surface reflectance geomedian";
The layer name and title. These come from the Capabilities.xml. The name must be exact, but the title is free text.
Use this link to display the capabilities:
var createLayer2 = function (xmlDom) {
var wms = new WorldWind.WmsCapabilities(xmlDom);
var wmsLayerCapabilities = wms.getNamedLayer(layerName1);
var wmsConfig = WorldWind.WmsLayer.formLayerConfiguration(wmsLayerCapabilities);
wmsConfig.title = layerTitle1;
var wmsLayer = new WorldWind.WmsLayer(wmsConfig);
wmsLayer.enabled = false;
Set true/false to display the layer initially. Can toggle the layers. The layers may not appear in the same order as in the JS file.
Create the layer. Due to the asynchronicity of fetching the data, teh layers will not appear in the same order as in the JS file.
3D virtual globe API for JavaScript, developed by NASA in partnership with ESA. Provides a geographic context, complete with terrain, for visualizing geographic or geo-located information in 3D and 2D. Web WorldWind provides high-resolution terrain and imagery, retrieved from remote servers automatically as needed. Developers can provide custom terrain and imagery. Provides a collection of shapes for displaying and interacting with geographic data and representing a range of geometric objects.
- has setup instructions, developers guides, API documentation and more
- Forum provides help from the WorldWind community
- WebStorm is used by the NASA WorldWind development team
The Web WorldWind Developer's Guide has a complete description of Web WorldWind's functionality. You'll also find there links to many Web WorldWind resources, including a user guide. The latest Web WorldWind release provides many simple examples showing how to use all of Web WorldWind's functionality.
Install NodeJS. The build is known to work with v6.9.2 (LTS).
npm install
downloads WorldWind's dependencies -
npm run build
builds everything -
npm run doc
generates the WorldWind API documentation -
npm run test
runs WorldWind's unit tests -
npm run test:watch
automatically runs WorldWind's unit tests when source code changes
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.