Project for 319 Spring 2018
" A day in Bilkent" is a Arcade Style SHMUP - or Shoot 'em Up - game where the task of the player is to destroy enemies spawned. The game has different modes like Story Mode and Survival. The player is a student who is trapped inside a Bilkent themed box.
He has to dodge different types of enemies. Like:
- TA
- Assignments
- Exams
And he will also face bosses which will be teachers.
He shall gain points through the time he survives and through collectables like coins. Other collectables may be :
- Allnight Study Session ( Rage Mode )
- More Guns
- Extra Life
While some are good , some will be bad like :
- Exhaustion
- Disabled Guns
During his Adventure, the student also gains partners like :
- Chegg
- Wikipedia
- Youtube
That help him through the day !
It is an experince for a day in Bilkent for everyone to Enjoy !
There are lots of already implemented games which have smilar game style, the ones that we found is shown with their name and links in below :
1- Asteroids:
2- EverWing:
3- Space Invaders:
Our meeting log document web page :