docker-for-dummies-workshop Public
A workshop to go introduce us to Docker, containerization, writing a Dockerfile, how to build an image and run a container.
my-reading-list Public
This serves as somewhere for me to dump all articles, docs, videos,courses and podcasts I go through in any given month.
2 UpdatedMar 10, 2021 -
A workshop to go over why unit tests are important, why we should be writing them in our frontend applications and how to go about writing a simple library of your own.
A workshop to explore how we can create an application in Flutter that is ready to scale.
A workshop to serve as an introduction to Flutter, Dart and how to go about building your first application.
project-zeus Public
react-clean-redux-workshop Public
A workshop to explore how we can go about implementing an approach to Redux to requires less boilerplate code and is easier to reason with.
This is a workshop that serves as a basic introduction to React hooks. We'll refactor our application to make use of functional components instead of class components as well as make use of hooks s…
react-x-firebase-workshop Public
A workshop to explain how to go about integrating Firebase into your React application. We'll be implementing Authentication, Firestore, Remote Config, Cloud Functions and Hosting.
react-recoil-workshop Public
A workshop to demonstrate how we can get rid of Redux and make use of Facebook's experimental new state management library, Redux.
A workshop to demonstrate how by simply using what React has built into it's foundation, we can write a Redux/Flux like approach to global state management.
A workshop to go through how we can best manage the state of applications and how to approach various scenarios that require state management.
my-content Public
A list of content that I have created. Includes my blog posts, podcasts I've hosted and CodeSandBox repositories of concepts I'm exploring.
1 UpdatedOct 2, 2020 -
my-portfolio Public
A list of my certificates, qualifications, degrees, jobs, experience and anything else that can come across as a humble brag.
1 UpdatedSep 27, 2020 -
dotnet-core-cqrs-example Public
A simple application written using .Net Core 3, Mediatr and FluentValidation to demonstrate a modern CQRS system following clean architecture principals.
freecodecamp-answers Public
My answers to the various freeCodeCamp certifications.
flutter-finds Public
A curated list of cool libraries that pertain to Flutter.
2 UpdatedJan 24, 2020 -
A comparison between vanilla, scoped model, bloc and provider state management patterns in Flutter.