ASL IT Security
- India
- www.aslitsecurity.com
- @asl_it
Zimbra-CVE-2022-30333 Public
Zimbra unrar vulnerability. Now there are already POC available, it is safe to release our POC.
evilginx.botguard Public
Forked from M41KL-N41TT/evilginx.botguardExploit to bypass Google's JS security protection when using MITM phishing tools
1 UpdatedOct 18, 2021 -
CVE-2021-40444_builders Public
This repo contain builders of cab file, html file, and docx file for CVE-2021-40444 exploit
evilginx2 Public
Forked from kgretzky/evilginx2Standalone man-in-the-middle attack framework used for phishing login credentials along with session cookies, allowing for the bypass of 2-factor authentication
npcap Public
Forked from nmap/npcapUpdate of WinPcap to NDIS 6 and LWF. Sponsored but not officially supported by the Nmap Project.
C Other UpdatedMar 26, 2016 -
ASLHackMeLabs Public
ASL HackMe Labs is yet another vulnerabile web application to practice various web based attacks.
AirWallet Public
Forked from RagnarDanneskjold/AirWalletClient-side web wallet & blockexplorer for Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Vertcoin, and PeerCoin using bkchain http://airwallet.me
C++ UpdatedAug 19, 2014