This is an Alexa Voice Service example using Swift specifically for the iOS. It requires Swift 2 from XCode 7 or later.
You will need to fill out the following three items found in Config.swift before running:
struct LoginWithAmazon {
static let ClientId = "<< Client ID Here >>"
static let ProductId = "<< Product ID Here >>"
static let DeviceSerialNumber = "<< Device Serial Number Here >>"
You will need to fill out the following items found in LoginViewController.m before running:
#define SCOPE_DATA @"{\"alexa:all\":{\"productID\":\"<< Product ID Here >>\",""\"productInstanceAttributes\":{\"deviceSerialNumber\":\"<< Device Serial Number Here >>\"}}}"
You will also need to change "APIKey" (This API Key needs to be generated from > Amazon Voice Service > Your Product > Security Profile > iOS Settings) & URL Scheme in Info.plist
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