This is a plugin for MuseScore 3.x which can be used to make playback "groove" or "swing" in countless different musical styles, e.g.
- Jazz
- Brazilian samba
- Viennese waltz
- Morrocan Gnawa
- Other micro-rhythms (e.g. see this article)
Unlike most other approaches to swing, this plugin can alter not only the timing and duration of notes, but also their dynamics. This can make a surprisingly large improvement to the realism of the feel of the groove.
This repository contains some examples:
The A section of "Scrapple From The Apple", a bebop jazz tune by Charlie Parker. You can also view / listen to this on
An excerpt from "Crimson Waves" by Malcolm Braff, as described in this article
As the plugin is currently in alpha, it is not generally usable yet, but experienced MuseScore developers should have no problem trying it out, and maybe other experienced MuseScore users can too.
Ultimately I hope to see this re-implemented natively within MuseScore as a significant extension of its existing swing functionality so that no plugin is required. This should facilitate more user-friendly and more powerful workflows.
The design of this plugin was heavily influenced by discussions with, and advice from Barak Schmool, a composer, saxophonist, percussionist, and expert in world rhythms who teaches at several London music conservatoires and counts Jacob Collier amongst his former pupils.
Visit Barak's Instagram page to see samples of his work.
Please see the LICENSE