Tags: aspto/RTCMultiConnection
Added [email protected] 1) Fixed user-leave issues 2) Fixed broadcast:true issues 3) If camera fails; v3.0 joins with audio-only.
Added [email protected] 1) Now session is always kept ALIVE until autoCloseEntireSession is specified as TRUE. 2) Manual “stream.onended” events are fired only for Firefox. 3) Now participants doesn’t quickly tries to join all other participants; so no hang issues. 4) Now it doesn’t renegotiates on datachannel close/error 5) Now peers doesn’t auto rejoins on failures. You can manually call connection.rejoin in onPeerStateChanged or onReconnecting 6) “connection.deletePeer” is added. Which removes everything (connections, streams, links etc) from specific peer. 7) autoReDialOnFailure is removed. Because now it doesn’t auto rejoins. 8) Now skipping bitrates/bandwidth customization for Android devices.
Added [email protected] - Also, v2.2.2 is updated to suppo… …rt remote audio+video recording in Canary. RecordRTC can be used with v3.2.88 to record remote or local audio+video streams.
Added: [email protected] Fixed muaz-khan#84 Added "connect… …ion.resetTrack" “connection.resetTrack” works only in Firefox, to reset last audio or video track. If you replaced a video track; you can reset to old one. Added “removeStream” ugly-hack for Firefox. Now “muteType” is passed over “onmute” and “unmuteType” is passed over “onunmute”. Now firing “onstreamended” for Firefox screen as well. You can override “connection.getScreenConstraints” to set random id, and then you’ll be able to capture multiple screens and share in parallel.
Added [email protected] Fixed muaz-khan#82 1) now using gum adapter.js 2) fixed iceConnectionState issues 3) now remote stream is always removed & disconnection action is synced 4) Screen-Capturing.js now uses “window” rather than “screen” (for Firefox)
Added: [email protected] Now v3.0 is having CDN links as well: https://github.com/muaz-khan/RTCMultiConnection#link-script-files