was written to discover allele-specific methylation (ASM) of CpG sites and small regions from whole genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS) data.
Two approaches have been implemented:
- Using heterozygous SNPs (supplied in a VCF) to separate read pairs correspoing to each allele.
- Using intermediately methylated CpG sites as pseudo-heterozygous SNPs to separate read pairs.
Counts of methylated and unmethylated bases sequenced in each alleles reads are summed at each CpG site surrounding the SNP and a fisher exact test p-value (two-tailed) calculated. If enough CpG sites are present then a regional analysis is performed by summing the counts per-allele at all covered CpG sites. If desired, reads for each allele at regions that meet a p-value cutoff are exported as separate BAM files, and IGV screenshots of these reads can be automatically exported.
Input data is:
- BAM aligned using bwa-meth
- Sites of potential allele-specific methylation; either
- a VCF created from that BAM using BisSNP (via bwa-meth tabulate)
- a CSV file containing 4 columns summarising the methylation state of all CpG sites generated from that BAM
- chr - chromosome
- position - 0-based position of the CpG site
- M - count of methylated reads at this CpG site
- U - count of unmethylated reads at this CpG site
- FASTA of the reference sequence
pip install pysam pyvcf pyfasta fisher pandas
usage: [-h] [--input_type {VCF,CpGs}] [--VCF_sample VCF_SAMPLE]
[--pair_distance PAIR_DISTANCE] [--max_depth MAX_DEPTH]
[--min_per_allele MIN_PER_ALLELE]
[--min_sites_in_region MIN_SITES_IN_REGION]
[--min_mapping_quality MIN_MAPPING_QUALITY]
[--min_base_quality MIN_BASE_QUALITY] [--region_bams]
[--fisher_cutoff FISHER_CUTOFF] [--IGV_screenshot]
input_file input_bam reference prefix - Discover sites and regions of allele specific methylation from
whole genome bisulfite sequencing data by counting CpG methylation on alleles
separately. Reads can be separated by either a heterozygous SNP (when a VCF is
supplied), or by the methylation status of a single CpG site. Both analyses
modes require sufficient sequencing coverage of both alleles (default is 10x).
positional arguments:
input_file Input VCF/CpG sites file, gzip compressed.
input_bam Input BAM file
reference Reference FASTA file
prefix Prefix for the sites and regions output csvs
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--input_type {VCF,CpGs}
Whether the input_file is a VCF (default) or a csv of
methylation counts at CpG sites with the format
'chr,position,M,U' where the fields are chromosome
name, 0-based position of the CpG site, count of
methylated bases sequenced at this site and count of
unmethylated bases sequenced.
The sample in the VCF to be processed - either as the
sample name or numeric index (0-based). Default is 0,
the first sample.
--pair_distance PAIR_DISTANCE
The distance in basepairs to search up and downstream
from each position (default is 500).
--max_depth MAX_DEPTH
Maximum number of reads to process at each position
(default is 8000).
--min_per_allele MIN_PER_ALLELE
Minimum number of reads containing each allele to
process a position.
--min_sites_in_region MIN_SITES_IN_REGION
Minimum number of CpG sites linked to a SNP to perform
a regional analysis.
--min_mapping_quality MIN_MAPPING_QUALITY
Minimum mapping quality score for a read to be
--min_base_quality MIN_BASE_QUALITY
Minimum basecall quality score at the SNP for a read
to be considered.
--region_bams Specity to output BAM files per allele when the
regional fisher exact p-value is less than the cutoff
specified by --fisher_cutoff.
--fisher_cutoff FISHER_CUTOFF
Regional fisher exact p-value cutoff for a regional
BAM to be created/IGV screenshot be taken (default is
--IGV_screenshot Specity to take IGV screenshots of each region that
passes --fisher_cutoff. Requires that IGV be running
on the local machine and listening on port 60151
Two comma separated value files:
- prefix.sites.csv - One line per CpG site linked to a heterozygous SNP (or intermediately methylated CpG site), containing the following fields:
- SNP.chr - SNP chromosome
- SNP.pos - SNP position (0 based - wheres it is 1-based in a VCF)
- SNP.ref - reference allele
- SNP.alt - alternate allele
- CpG.pos - position of the CpG site linked to the SNP (0 based)
- ref.A/C/G/T/N - count of A/C/G/T/N bases sequenced at the CpG methylation site in reference allele reads
- alt.A/C/G/T/N - count of A/C/G/T/N bases sequenced at the CpG methylation site in alternate allele reads
- ref.cov/alt.cov - sequencing coverage (only counting Cs and Ts) for reference and alternate alleles
- ref.meth/alt.meth - methylation ratio for reference and alternate alleles
- meth.diff - difference between ref.meth and alt.meth
- p.val - two-tailed fisher exact test p-value of count of Cs and Ts being different between ref and alt alleles
- prefix.regions.csv - One line per region around each heterozygous SNP containing min_sites_in_region CpG sites. This file contains similar fields to prefix.sites.cov - with counts being the sum of all CpG sites contained in the region. Additional columns are:
- first.CpG - position of the first CpG site found in this region
- last.CpG - position of the last CpG site found in this region
- nCG - number of CpG sites found in this region
If --region_bams is specified, then for each region which meets the --fisher_cutoff two (indexed) BAM files are created containing the reads for each allele. Additionally if --IGV_screenshot is specified, then these BAM files are loaded into a local running instance of IGV and a screenshot is saved.
A subset of a WGBS analysis of human prostate epithelial cells (PrEC) for the SNRPN imprinted locus (hg19 chr15:25197573-25203941) is supplied in the example/ directory. The following command will use the genotyping data from BisSNP find 2 heterozygous SNPs in this region that separate the methylated and unmethylated alleles.
../ --region_bams PrEC.SNRPN.vcf.gz PrEC.SNRPN.bam hg19.fa PrEC.SNRPN.VCF
Visualised using IGV
- Link adjacent ASM regions from CpG sites analysis into methyl-haplotypes
- included in the repository was copied from Brent Pedersen's bio-playground github repository. Cheers!