Repo moved to at-internet/atinternet-apple-sdk
The AT Internet tag allows you to follow your users activity throughout your application’s lifecycle. To help you, the tag makes available classes (helpers) enabling the quick implementation of tracking for different application events (screen loads, gestures, video plays…)
- Tag iPhone / iPad
- App Extension supported
- Install our library on your project (see below)
- Check out the documentation page for an overview of the functionalities and code examples
Find the integration information by following this link
CocoaPods is a dependency manager which automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries in your projects.
- Basic iOS application :
target 'MyProject' do
pod "ATInternet-iOS-Swift-SDK/iOS",">=2.0"
- iOS application with App Extension :
# required when building for App Extension
pod "ATInternet-iOS-Swift-SDK",">=2.0"
target 'MyProject' do
pod "ATInternet-iOS-Swift-SDK/iOS",">=2.0"
target 'MyProject App Extension' do
pod "ATInternet-iOS-Swift-SDK/AppExtension",">=2.0"
Carthage is an alternative to Cocoapods. It’s a simple dependency manager for Mac and iOS, created by a group of developers from Github.
Simplty add the line below :
github "at-internet/atinternet-ios-swift-sdk" >=2.0
- After launching the carthage update command, add the dependency from Project/Carthage/Build/iOS/Tracker.framework in Linked Frameworks and Libraries
- In project build phase, add a new run script phase with the command /usr/local/bin/carthage copy-frameworks and add $(SRCROOT)/Carthage/Build/iOS/Tracker.framework as input files
- Finally project build phase, add a new copy files, select products directory then add the Tracker.framework.dSYM file