Solution to apply and share new knowledge and technologies and to serve as architecture for new projects.
- Cross-Platform (Windows, Linux, macOS)
- Docker
- Visual Studio 2017
- Visual Studio Code
- .NET Core 2.1.6
- ASP.NET Core 2.1.6
- Entity Framework Core 2.1.4
- SQL Server 2017
- MongoDB
- C# 7.3
- SPA (Single Page Application)
- Angular 7.1.1
- Typescript 3.2.1
- CSS3
- SASS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets)
- UIkit
- DDD (Domain-Driven Design)
- Clean Code
- SOLID Principles
- Dependency Injection
- Mapping
- Logging
- Unit Test
- JWT (Json Web Token)
- Response Caching
- Response Compression (Brotli)
- Code Analysis (Ruleset, TSLint and Codacy)
- Swagger
Web: This layer contains the api (ASP.NET Core) and the frontend (Angular).
Application: This layer is the main entry point of the application.
Domain: This layer contains the requirements and the business logic.
Model: This layer is responsible for modeling the domain objects.
Database: This layer isolates and abstracts the logic for data persistence.
CrossCutting: This layer provides generic features for other layers.
IoC: This layer provides inversion of control for other layers.
Processor: Intel Core I7 8700K Coffee Lake 8th-generation.
Memory: 16GB 2400Mhz DDR4.
Storage: Samsung Evo 960 SSD M2 250gb.
OS: Windows 10 Pro 64 bits.
Web Server: Kestrel.
Database: SQL Server 2017 Developer Edition.
Install latest .NET Core SDK.
Open directory source\Web\Frontend in command line and execute npm run restore.
Open directory source\Web in command line and execute dotnet run.
Open https://localhost:8090.
Install latest .NET Core SDK.
Install C# Extension.
Open directory source\Web\Frontend in command line and execute npm run restore.
Open source directory in Visual Studio Code.
Press F5.
Install latest .NET Core SDK.
Open directory source\Web\Frontend in command line and execute npm run restore.
Open source\DotNetCoreArchitecture.sln in Visual Studio.
Set DotNetCoreArchitecture.Web as startup project.
Press F5.
Install and configure Docker.
Execute docker-compose up --build -d --force-recreate in root directory.
Open http://localhost:8095.