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Demangle: Add node for reabstraction thunk capturing DynamicSelfType
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Also, NodePrinter was printing the 'from' and 'to' type backwards,
so fix that.
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slavapestov committed Apr 14, 2019
1 parent ff30333 commit 42e74f2
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Showing 8 changed files with 75 additions and 54 deletions.
12 changes: 7 additions & 5 deletions docs/ABI/Mangling.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -191,7 +191,9 @@ types where the metadata itself has unknown layout.)
global ::= global specialization // function specialization
global ::= global 'Tm' // merged function
global ::= entity // some identifiable thing
global ::= type type generic-signature? 'T' REABSTRACT-THUNK-TYPE // reabstraction thunk helper function
global ::= from-type to-type generic-signature? 'TR' // reabstraction thunk
global ::= from-type to-type self-type generic-signature? 'Ty' // reabstraction thunk with dynamic 'Self' capture
global ::= from-type to-type generic-signature? 'Tr' // obsolete mangling for reabstraction thunk
global ::= entity generic-signature? type type* 'TK' // key path getter
global ::= entity generic-signature? type type* 'Tk' // key path setter
global ::= type generic-signature 'TH' // key path equality
Expand All @@ -204,11 +206,11 @@ types where the metadata itself has unknown layout.)
global ::= type assoc-type-list protocol 'TN' // default associated conformance witness accessor
global ::= type protocol 'Tb' // base conformance descriptor

REABSTRACT-THUNK-TYPE ::= 'R' // reabstraction thunk helper function
REABSTRACT-THUNK-TYPE ::= 'r' // reabstraction thunk
REABSTRACT-THUNK-TYPE ::= 'R' // reabstraction thunk
REABSTRACT-THUNK-TYPE ::= 'r' // reabstraction thunk (obsolete)

The types in a reabstraction thunk helper function are always non-polymorphic
``<impl-function-type>`` types.
The `from-type` and `to-type` in a reabstraction thunk helper function
are always non-polymorphic ``<impl-function-type>`` types.


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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions include/swift/Demangling/DemangleNodes.def
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ NODE(ProtocolWitnessTableAccessor)
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19 changes: 12 additions & 7 deletions lib/Demangling/Demangler.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2057,15 +2057,20 @@ NodePointer Demangler::demangleThunkOrSpecialization() {
return createWithChild(Node::Kind::ProtocolSelfConformanceWitness,
case 'R':
case 'r': {
NodePointer Thunk = createNode(c == 'R' ?
Node::Kind::ReabstractionThunkHelper :
case 'r':
case 'y': {
Node::Kind kind;
if (c == 'R') kind = Node::Kind::ReabstractionThunkHelper;
else if (c == 'y') kind = Node::Kind::ReabstractionThunkHelperWithSelf;
else kind = Node::Kind::ReabstractionThunk;
NodePointer Thunk = createNode(kind);
if (NodePointer GenSig = popNode(Node::Kind::DependentGenericSignature))
addChild(Thunk, GenSig);
NodePointer Ty2 = popNode(Node::Kind::Type);
Thunk = addChild(Thunk, popNode(Node::Kind::Type));
return addChild(Thunk, Ty2);
if (kind == Node::Kind::ReabstractionThunkHelperWithSelf)
addChild(Thunk, popNode(Node::Kind::Type));
addChild(Thunk, popNode(Node::Kind::Type));
addChild(Thunk, popNode(Node::Kind::Type));
return Thunk;
case 'g':
return demangleGenericSpecialization(Node::Kind::GenericSpecialization);
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31 changes: 25 additions & 6 deletions lib/Demangling/NodePrinter.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -435,6 +435,7 @@ class NodePrinter {
case Node::Kind::ProtocolWitnessTablePattern:
case Node::Kind::ReabstractionThunk:
case Node::Kind::ReabstractionThunkHelper:
case Node::Kind::ReabstractionThunkHelperWithSelf:
case Node::Kind::ReadAccessor:
case Node::Kind::RelatedEntityDeclName:
case Node::Kind::RetroactiveConformance:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1536,22 +1537,40 @@ NodePointer NodePrinter::print(NodePointer Node, bool asPrefixContext) {
case Node::Kind::ReabstractionThunkHelper: {
if (Options.ShortenThunk) {
Printer << "thunk for ";
print(Node->getChild(Node->getNumChildren() - 2));
print(Node->getChild(Node->getNumChildren() - 1));
return nullptr;
Printer << "reabstraction thunk ";
if (Node->getKind() == Node::Kind::ReabstractionThunkHelper)
Printer << "helper ";
auto generics = getFirstChildOfKind(Node, Node::Kind::DependentGenericSignature);
assert(Node->getNumChildren() == 2 + unsigned(generics != nullptr));
if (generics) {
unsigned idx = 0;
if (Node->getNumChildren() == 3) {
auto generics = Node->getChild(0);
idx = 1;
Printer << " ";
Printer << "from ";
print(Node->getChild(idx + 1));
Printer << " to ";
return nullptr;
case Node::Kind::ReabstractionThunkHelperWithSelf: {
Printer << "reabstraction thunk ";
unsigned idx = 0;
if (Node->getNumChildren() == 4) {
auto generics = Node->getChild(0);
idx = 1;
Printer << " ";
Printer << "from ";
print(Node->getChild(Node->getNumChildren() - 2));
print(Node->getChild(idx + 2));
Printer << " to ";
print(Node->getChild(Node->getNumChildren() - 1));
print(Node->getChild(idx + 1));
Printer << " self ";
return nullptr;
case Node::Kind::MergedFunction:
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12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions lib/Demangling/OldRemangler.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -715,15 +715,15 @@ void Remangler::mangleBaseWitnessTableAccessor(Node *node) {

void Remangler::mangleReabstractionThunkHelper(Node *node) {
Buffer << "TR";
if (node->getNumChildren() == 3) Buffer << 'G';
mangleChildNodes(node); // generic signature?, type, type
Buffer << "<reabstraction-thunk-helper>";

void Remangler::mangleReabstractionThunkHelperWithSelf(Node *node) {
Buffer << "<reabstraction-thunk-helper-with-self>";

void Remangler::mangleReabstractionThunk(Node *node) {
Buffer << "Tr";
if (node->getNumChildren() == 3) Buffer << 'G';
mangleChildNodes(node); // generic signature?, type, type
Buffer << "<reabstraction-thunk>";

void Remangler::mangleProtocolSelfConformanceWitness(Node *node) {
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21 changes: 7 additions & 14 deletions lib/Demangling/Remangler.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1856,27 +1856,20 @@ void Remangler::mangleProtocolWitnessTableAccessor(Node *node) {

void Remangler::mangleReabstractionThunk(Node *node) {
if (node->getNumChildren() == 3) {
mangleChildNode(node, 1); // type 1
mangleChildNode(node, 2); // type 2
mangleChildNode(node, 0); // generic signature
} else {
Buffer << "Tr";

void Remangler::mangleReabstractionThunkHelper(Node *node) {
if (node->getNumChildren() == 3) {
mangleChildNode(node, 1); // type 1
mangleChildNode(node, 2); // type 2
mangleChildNode(node, 0); // generic signature
} else {
Buffer << "TR";

void Remangler::mangleReabstractionThunkHelperWithSelf(Node *node) {
Buffer << "Ty";

void Remangler::mangleReadAccessor(Node *node) {
mangleAbstractStorage(node->getFirstChild(), "r");
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17 changes: 9 additions & 8 deletions test/Demangle/Inputs/manglings.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -173,9 +173,9 @@ _TtGSaGSqC5sugar7MyClass__ ---> [sugar.MyClass?]
_TtaC9typealias5DWARF9DIEOffset ---> typealias.DWARF.DIEOffset
_Tta1t5Alias ---> t.Alias
_Ttas3Int ---> Swift.Int
_TTRXFo_dSc_dSb_XFo_iSc_iSb_ ---> reabstraction thunk helper from @callee_owned (@unowned Swift.UnicodeScalar) -> (@unowned Swift.Bool) to @callee_owned (@in Swift.UnicodeScalar) -> (@out Swift.Bool)
_TTRXFo_dSi_dGSqSi__XFo_iSi_iGSqSi__ ---> reabstraction thunk helper from @callee_owned (@unowned Swift.Int) -> (@unowned Swift.Int?) to @callee_owned (@in Swift.Int) -> (@out Swift.Int?)
_TTRGrXFo_iV18switch_abstraction1A_ix_XFo_dS0__ix_ ---> reabstraction thunk helper <A> from @callee_owned (@in switch_abstraction.A) -> (@out A) to @callee_owned (@unowned switch_abstraction.A) -> (@out A)
_TTRXFo_dSc_dSb_XFo_iSc_iSb_ ---> reabstraction thunk helper from @callee_owned (@in Swift.UnicodeScalar) -> (@out Swift.Bool) to @callee_owned (@unowned Swift.UnicodeScalar) -> (@unowned Swift.Bool)
_TTRXFo_dSi_dGSqSi__XFo_iSi_iGSqSi__ ---> reabstraction thunk helper from @callee_owned (@in Swift.Int) -> (@out Swift.Int?) to @callee_owned (@unowned Swift.Int) -> (@unowned Swift.Int?)
_TTRGrXFo_iV18switch_abstraction1A_ix_XFo_dS0__ix_ ---> reabstraction thunk helper <A> from @callee_owned (@unowned switch_abstraction.A) -> (@out A) to @callee_owned (@in switch_abstraction.A) -> (@out A)
_TFCF5types1gFT1bSb_T_L0_10Collection3zimfT_T_ ---> zim() -> () in Collection #2 in types.g(b: Swift.Bool) -> ()
_TFF17capture_promotion22test_capture_promotionFT_FT_SiU_FT_Si_promote0 ---> closure #1 () -> Swift.Int in capture_promotion.test_capture_promotion() -> () -> Swift.Int with unmangled suffix "_promote0"
_TFIVs8_Processi10_argumentsGSaSS_U_FT_GSaSS_ ---> _arguments : [Swift.String] in variable initialization expression of Swift._Process with unmangled suffix "U_FT_GSaSS_"
Expand All @@ -200,8 +200,9 @@ _TTSgSiS_ ---> _TTSgSiS_
_TTSgSi__xyz ---> _TTSgSi__xyz
_TTSr5Si___TF4test7genericurFxx ---> generic not re-abstracted specialization <Swift.Int> of test.generic<A>(A) -> A
_TTSrq5Si___TF4test7genericurFxx ---> generic not re-abstracted specialization <serialized, Swift.Int> of test.generic<A>(A) -> A
_TPA__TTRXFo_oSSoSS_dSb_XFo_iSSiSS_dSb_ ---> {T:_TTRXFo_oSSoSS_dSb_XFo_iSSiSS_dSb_} partial apply forwarder for reabstraction thunk helper from @callee_owned (@owned Swift.String, @owned Swift.String) -> (@unowned Swift.Bool) to @callee_owned (@in Swift.String, @in Swift.String) -> (@unowned Swift.Bool)
_TPAo__TTRGrXFo_dGSPx__dGSPx_zoPs5Error__XFo_iGSPx__iGSPx_zoPS___ ---> {T:_TTRGrXFo_dGSPx__dGSPx_zoPs5Error__XFo_iGSPx__iGSPx_zoPS___} partial apply ObjC forwarder for reabstraction thunk helper <A> from @callee_owned (@unowned Swift.UnsafePointer<A>) -> (@unowned Swift.UnsafePointer<A>, @error @owned Swift.Error) to @callee_owned (@in Swift.UnsafePointer<A>) -> (@out Swift.UnsafePointer<A>, @error @owned Swift.Error)
_TPA__TTRXFo_oSSoSS_dSb_XFo_iSSiSS_dSb_ ---> {T:_TTRXFo_oSSoSS_dSb_XFo_iSSiSS_dSb_} partial apply forwarder for reabstraction thunk helper from @callee_owned (@in Swift.String, @in Swift.String) -> (@unowned Swift.Bool) to @callee_owned (@owned Swift.String, @owned Swift.String) -> (@unowned Swift.Bool)
to @callee_owned (@in Swift.String, @in Swift.String) -> (@unowned Swift.Bool)
_TPAo__TTRGrXFo_dGSPx__dGSPx_zoPs5Error__XFo_iGSPx__iGSPx_zoPS___ ---> {T:_TTRGrXFo_dGSPx__dGSPx_zoPs5Error__XFo_iGSPx__iGSPx_zoPS___} partial apply ObjC forwarder for reabstraction thunk helper <A> from @callee_owned (@in Swift.UnsafePointer<A>) -> (@out Swift.UnsafePointer<A>, @error @owned Swift.Error) to @callee_owned (@unowned Swift.UnsafePointer<A>) -> (@unowned Swift.UnsafePointer<A>, @error @owned Swift.Error)
_T0S2SSbIxxxd_S2SSbIxiid_TRTA ---> {T:_T0S2SSbIxxxd_S2SSbIxiid_TR} partial apply forwarder for reabstraction thunk helper from @callee_owned (@owned Swift.String, @owned Swift.String) -> (@unowned Swift.Bool) to @callee_owned (@in Swift.String, @in Swift.String) -> (@unowned Swift.Bool)
_T0SPyxGAAs5Error_pIxydzo_A2AsAB_pIxirzo_lTRTa ---> {T:_T0SPyxGAAs5Error_pIxydzo_A2AsAB_pIxirzo_lTR} partial apply ObjC forwarder for reabstraction thunk helper <A> from @callee_owned (@unowned Swift.UnsafePointer<A>) -> (@unowned Swift.UnsafePointer<A>, @error @owned Swift.Error) to @callee_owned (@in Swift.UnsafePointer<A>) -> (@out Swift.UnsafePointer<A>, @error @owned Swift.Error)
_TiC4Meow5MyCls9subscriptFT1iSi_Sf ---> Meow.MyCls.subscript(i: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Float
Expand All @@ -223,8 +224,8 @@ _TTSf1cl35_TFF7specgen6callerFSiT_U_FTSiSi_T_Si___TF7specgen12take_closureFFTSiS
_TTSfq1cl35_TFF7specgen6callerFSiT_U_FTSiSi_T_Si___TF7specgen12take_closureFFTSiSi_T_T_ ---> function signature specialization <serialized, Arg[0] = [Closure Propagated : closure #1 (Swift.Int, Swift.Int) -> () in specgen.caller(Swift.Int) -> (), Argument Types : [Swift.Int]> of specgen.take_closure((Swift.Int, Swift.Int) -> ()) -> ()
_TTSf1cl35_TFF7specgen6callerFSiT_U_FTSiSi_T_Si___TTSg5Si___TF7specgen12take_closureFFTSiSi_T_T_ ---> function signature specialization <Arg[0] = [Closure Propagated : closure #1 (Swift.Int, Swift.Int) -> () in specgen.caller(Swift.Int) -> (), Argument Types : [Swift.Int]> of generic specialization <Swift.Int> of specgen.take_closure((Swift.Int, Swift.Int) -> ()) -> ()
_TTSg5Si___TTSf1cl35_TFF7specgen6callerFSiT_U_FTSiSi_T_Si___TF7specgen12take_closureFFTSiSi_T_T_ ---> generic specialization <Swift.Int> of function signature specialization <Arg[0] = [Closure Propagated : closure #1 (Swift.Int, Swift.Int) -> () in specgen.caller(Swift.Int) -> (), Argument Types : [Swift.Int]> of specgen.take_closure((Swift.Int, Swift.Int) -> ()) -> ()
_TTSf1cpfr24_TF8capturep6helperFSiT__n___TTRXFo_dSi_dT__XFo_iSi_dT__ ---> function signature specialization <Arg[0] = [Constant Propagated Function : capturep.helper(Swift.Int) -> ()]> of reabstraction thunk helper from @callee_owned (@unowned Swift.Int) -> (@unowned ()) to @callee_owned (@in Swift.Int) -> (@unowned ())
_TTSf1cpfr24_TF8capturep6helperFSiT__n___TTRXFo_dSi_DT__XFo_iSi_DT__ ---> function signature specialization <Arg[0] = [Constant Propagated Function : capturep.helper(Swift.Int) -> ()]> of reabstraction thunk helper from @callee_owned (@unowned Swift.Int) -> (@unowned_inner_pointer ()) to @callee_owned (@in Swift.Int) -> (@unowned_inner_pointer ())
_TTSf1cpfr24_TF8capturep6helperFSiT__n___TTRXFo_dSi_dT__XFo_iSi_dT__ ---> function signature specialization <Arg[0] = [Constant Propagated Function : capturep.helper(Swift.Int) -> ()]> of reabstraction thunk helper from @callee_owned (@in Swift.Int) -> (@unowned ()) to @callee_owned (@unowned Swift.Int) -> (@unowned ())
_TTSf1cpfr24_TF8capturep6helperFSiT__n___TTRXFo_dSi_DT__XFo_iSi_DT__ ---> function signature specialization <Arg[0] = [Constant Propagated Function : capturep.helper(Swift.Int) -> ()]> of reabstraction thunk helper from @callee_owned (@in Swift.Int) -> (@unowned_inner_pointer ()) to @callee_owned (@unowned Swift.Int) -> (@unowned_inner_pointer ())
_TTSf1cpi0_cpfl0_cpse0v4u123_cpg53globalinit_33_06E7F1D906492AE070936A9B58CBAE1C_token8_cpfr36_TFtest_capture_propagation2_closure___TF7specgen12take_closureFFTSiSi_T_T_ ---> function signature specialization <Arg[0] = [Constant Propagated Integer : 0], Arg[1] = [Constant Propagated Float : 0], Arg[2] = [Constant Propagated String : u8'u123'], Arg[3] = [Constant Propagated Global : globalinit_33_06E7F1D906492AE070936A9B58CBAE1C_token8], Arg[4] = [Constant Propagated Function : _TFtest_capture_propagation2_closure]> of specgen.take_closure((Swift.Int, Swift.Int) -> ()) -> ()
_TTSf0gs___TFVs17_LegacyStringCore15_invariantCheckfT_T_ ---> function signature specialization <Arg[0] = Owned To Guaranteed and Exploded> of Swift._LegacyStringCore._invariantCheck() -> ()
_TTSf2g___TTSf2s_d___TFVs17_LegacyStringCoreCfVs13_StringBufferS_ ---> function signature specialization <Arg[0] = Owned To Guaranteed> of function signature specialization <Arg[0] = Exploded, Arg[1] = Dead> of Swift._LegacyStringCore.init(Swift._StringBuffer) -> Swift._LegacyStringCore
Expand All @@ -241,7 +242,7 @@ _TTWurGV23interface_type_mangling18GenericTypeContextx_S_18GenericWitnessTestS_F
_TFC3red11BaseClassEHcfzT1aSi_S0_ ---> red.BaseClassEH.init(a: Swift.Int) throws -> red.BaseClassEH
_TFe27mangling_generic_extensionsRxS_8RunciblerVS_3Foog1aSi ---> (extension in mangling_generic_extensions):mangling_generic_extensions.Foo<A where A: mangling_generic_extensions.Runcible>.a.getter : Swift.Int
_TFe27mangling_generic_extensionsRxS_8RunciblerVS_3Foog1bx ---> (extension in mangling_generic_extensions):mangling_generic_extensions.Foo<A where A: mangling_generic_extensions.Runcible>.b.getter : A
_TTRXFo_iT__iT_zoPs5Error__XFo__dT_zoPS___ ---> reabstraction thunk helper from @callee_owned (@in ()) -> (@out (), @error @owned Swift.Error) to @callee_owned () -> (@unowned (), @error @owned Swift.Error)
_TTRXFo_iT__iT_zoPs5Error__XFo__dT_zoPS___ ---> reabstraction thunk helper from @callee_owned () -> (@unowned (), @error @owned Swift.Error) to @callee_owned (@in ()) -> (@out (), @error @owned Swift.Error)
_TFE1a ---> _TFE1a
_TF21$__lldb_module_for_E0au3$E0Ps5Error_ ---> $__lldb_module_for_E0.$E0.unsafeMutableAddressor : Swift.Error
_TMps10Comparable ---> protocol descriptor for Swift.Comparable
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