A react component for visualizing and analysis data from DigitalArzNode Developed on top of Openlayers.
after installation using npm i damap create .env file and add following lines
To add a Map panel on any page use following component
import MapComponent from "damap/lib/ol-map/containers/MapComponent"
const mapRef = React.createRef()
const mapUUID ="........."
<MapComponent ref={mapViewRef} uuid={mapUUID} title='Flood Forecast'>
uuid is unique identifier for getting Map from DigitalArzNode
To get Map View Model use
const mapVM = mapRef.current?.getMapVM();
This View Model can be used for calling different functionalities like To add Digital Arz MVT Layer use
mapVM.addDALayer({uuid: selectedOption})
uuid is a Layer info uuid
To open Layer Switcher use
it better to use setTimout so layout get adjust before open layer switcher
To open Attribute table use
openAttributeTable(columns: Column[], rows: Row[], pkCols: string[], tableHeight: number = 300, daGridRef: RefObject, pivotTableSrc:string=null)
columns are of format
disablePadding: boolean;
id: string;
label: string;
// isNumeric: boolean;
type: "string" | "number" | "date"
rows are of format
rowId: number
[key: string]: any
pkCols are an array of primary key column id
tableHeight ref to the height of the table
daGridRef is React RefObject to have control on AttributeGrid functions and
pivotTableSrc is the url of data for pivot Table if data is separate from the table data i.e. rows
using openAttributeTable and passing daGridRef you can access JqxGrid
const gridRef = daGridRef?.current?.getJqxGridRef()
you can use all the function mentioned in following Api Reference https://www.jqwidgets.com/jquery-widgets-demo/demos/jqxgrid/index.htm#demos/jqxgrid/defaultfunctionality.htm like
Toolbar can access using
const toolbarRef = daGridRef?.current?.getToolbarRef()
we can add Button on toolbar using following function
addButton(newButton: IToolbarButton[])
where IToolbarButton is
id: string
title: string
onClick: (e?: Event) => void
imgSrc: any
const zoomBtn = require("../../static/img/search.png")
id: "zoomButton",
title: "Zoom To Selection",
imgSrc: zoomBtn,
onClick: (e) => {
we can add any other Element on toolbar using
const elem = <>
for Managing Layer in DigitalArz Node use following component
import LayerInfo from "damap/lib/admin/containers/LayerInfo"
for Managing Map in DigitalArzNode
import LayerInfo from "damap/lib/admin/containers/MapInfo"
author : Ather Ashraf