- San Francisco Bay Area, California, US
- http://atl.me/
hvcc Public
Forked from enzienaudio/hvccThe heavy hvcc compiler for Pure Data patches.
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedOct 14, 2019 -
py-smartdc Public
Python SmartDataCenter CloudAPI connector
GlassPaper Public
Forked from glassresistor/GlassPaperA collection of some long form essays, which will eventually be published somewhere.
UpdatedJan 21, 2015 -
pelican-themes Public
Forked from getpelican/pelican-themesThemes for pelican
JavaScript UpdatedMar 8, 2013 -
vmwebadm Public
Forked from project-fifo/vmwebadmA frontend for the SmartDC API from joyent that runs on vanilla SmartOS
Clojure Other UpdatedFeb 21, 2013 -
pkgsrc Public
Forked from TritonDataCenter/pkgsrc-legacyAutomatically updated conversion of the "pkgsrc" module from anoncvs.netbsd.org
C UpdatedJan 15, 2013 -
pyechonest Public
Forked from echonest/pyechonestPython client for the Echo Nest API
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedDec 31, 2012 -
thisismypanda Public
social network optimisation for slow music (a MHD Hack)
marmalade Public
Forked from tylerwilliams/marmaladeMarmalade is a fruit preserve made from the juice and peel of citrus fruits, boiled with sugar and water.
mmpy Public
Forked from musicmetric/mmpymusicmetric python wrapper
boto_rsync Public
Forked from seedifferently/boto_rsyncAn rsync-like utility using boto's S3 and Google Storage interfaces.
twitstream Public
A simple asynchronous HTTP library in python for speaking with Twitter's streaming API, with numerous example applications.
microdata Public
Forked from edsu/microdatapython library for extracting html5 microdata
pyschemaorg Public
A basic, generic datamapper that exposes the schema.org schema and types
Echonest-jQuery-Plugin Public
Forked from Rodeoclash/Echonest-jQuery-PluginA jQuery plugin for interacting with the EchoNest API
pyella Public
Forked from ocelma/pyellaPython Wrapper to access BMAT's ELLA API
redish Public
Forked from ask/redishFurther experiments on the Pythonic interface to redis-py
atlas-client Public
Forked from micrypt/atlas-clientA thin wrapper for the Atlas API (http://www.atlasapi.org) in Python
dulse Public
Dumb, but light & simple module for XML — into dicts and other native Python types — for when JSON would probably do just as well.
thrifty-p2p Public
A very simple python peer-to-peer implementation using consistent hashing (and an example distributed key-value store layered atop it) using the Thrift protocol and its basic RPC capabilities.