SocialNetX makes social media management super-easy. It synchronizes multiple social media accounts at one platform. SocialNetX allows the user to see all their social media analytics at one place. SocialNetX provides a dashboard through which multiple social accounts can be managed thus eliminating the need to manually go into each account and check what happened in the past week.
If you like to contribute to the project you can set up development environment locally. Here are the steps to setup development environment:
Use git clone available to get a copy of the socialNetX project:
$ git clone
Create virtual environment for the project using virtualenvwrapper:
$ mkvirtualenv Socialnetx
Activate your working environment:
$ workon Socialnetx
Install proejct requirements:
cd socialnetx
pip install -r requirements/local.txt
Set Databse URL in your environment variable
$ gedit ~/.bashrc
export DATABASE_URL=postgres://exampleuser:user@localhost:5432/socialnetx
Create Database and run migrations
$ createdb socialnetx
$ ./ makemigrations
$ ./ migrate
Now you are resdy to run development server:
$ ./ runserver
Now you are ready to run development server:
$ ./ runserver
You can now access SocialNetX through http://localhost:8000/
- Atul Mishra
- Parbhat Puri