Mainted by:
RubyBox provides a simple, chainable, feature-rich client for Box's 2.0 API.
RubyBox uses Box's OAuth2 Implementaton, Here are the steps involved in authorizing a client:
1) Get the authorization url.
require 'ruby-box'
session ={
client_id: 'your-client-id',
client_secret: 'your-client-secret'
authorize_url = session.authorize_url('https://redirect-url-in-app-settings')
2) After redirecting to the authorize_url, exchange the code given for an access_token
@token = session.get_access_token('code-returned-to-redirect_url')
p '@token.token' # the access token.
p '@token.refresh_token' # token that can be exchanged for a new access_token once the access_token expires.
# refreshing token.
session ={
client_id: 'your-client-id',
client_secret: 'your-client-secret',
access_token: 'original-access-token'
# you need to persist this somehow. the refresh token will change every time you use it
@token = session.refresh_token('your-refresh-token')
3) Create a client using a session initialized with the access_token.
require 'ruby-box'
session ={
client_id: 'your-client-id',
client_secret: 'your-client-secret',
access_token: 'access-token'
client =
Once you've created a client, you can start interacting with the Box API. What follows are some basic examples of RubyBox's usage.
Please note that using a file/folder path is extremely inefficient, as it causes the gem to traverse the directory structure recursively querying each folder in turn. Prefer the _by_id
methods where possible for single-request access.
s and Folder
s are subclasses of Item
. Folder
contents (i.e. files and folders inside that folder) are retrieved in a mini-format
when the Folder
instance is loaded.
There are two caveats to this:
a File
mini looks like this:
"type": "file",
"id": "5000948880",
"sequence_id": "3",
"etag": "3",
"sha1": "134b65991ed521fcfe4724b7d814ab8ded5185dc",
"name": "tigers.jpeg"
a Folder
mini looks like this:
"name":"my first sub-folder"
Requests to fields other than the above (e.g. file.size
) will cause a one-off hit to the api, so take care when iterating over folder contents lest a single application method result in hundreds of api hits and take forever to complete.
This can be mitigated by passing a list of extra fields you want to fetch into the .items
folder = client.folder_by_id(@folder_id)
# retrieve size, created_at, and description for all items in this directory
detailed_items = folder.items(@item_limit, @offset, ['size', 'created_at', 'description'])
Note: only the type
and id
fields are included in addition to whatever you specify using the above method, so you must be explicit.
- Listing items in a folder:
files = client.folder('/image_folder').files # all files in a folder using a path.
files = client.folder(@folder_id).files # all files in a folder using an id.
folders = client.root_folder.folders # all folders in the root directory.
files_and_folders = client.folder('files').items # all files and folders in /files
- Creating a folder:
client.folder_by_id(@folder_id).create_subfolder('subfolder') # using an id.
client.folder('image_folder').create_subfolder('subfolder') # using a path.
- Setting the description on a folder:
folder = client.folder('image_folder') # using a path.
folder.description = 'Description on Folder'
- Listing the comments in a discussion surrounding a folder.
folder = client.folder('image_folder') # lookups by id are more efficient
discussion = folder.discussions.first
discussion.comments.each {|comment| p comment.message}
- Creating a shared link for a folder.
folder = client.folder('image_folder').create_shared_link # lookups by id are more efficient
p folder.shared_link['url'] #
- Fetching a file's meta information.
file = client.file('/image_folder/an-image.jpg')# lookups by id are more efficient
file = client.file(@file_id)
p file.created_at
- Uploading a file to a folder.
file = client.upload_file('./LICENSE.txt', '/license_folder') # lookups by id are more efficient
file = client.upload_file_by_folder_id('./LICENSE.txt', @folder_id)
- Downloading a file.
f = open('./LOCAL.txt', 'w+')
f.write( client.file('/license_folder/LICENSE.txt').download )
# Or you can fetch by, which is more efficient:
f = open('./LOCAL.txt', 'w+')
f.write( client.file_by_id(@file_id).download ) # lookups by id are more efficient
# You can also grab the raw url with
# Note that this URL is not persistent. Clients will need to follow the url immediately in order to
# actually download the file
- Deleting a file.
client.file_by_id(@file_id).delete # this
- Displaying comments on a file.
comments = client.file('/image_folder/an-image.jpg').comments # lookups by id are more efficient
comments = client.file_by_id(@file_id).comments
comments.each do |comment|
p comment.message
- Creating a shared link for a file.
file = client.file('/image_folder/an-image.jpg').create_shared_link
file = client.file_by_id(@file_id).create_shared_link # using an id
p file.shared_link.url #
- Copying a file to another folder.
file = client.file('/one_folder/cow_folder/an-image.jpg')
folder = client.folder('image_folder')
# lookups by id are more efficient
file = client.file_by_id(@file_id)
folder = client.folder_by_id(@folder_id)
- Moving a file to another folder.
file = client.file('/one_folder/cow_folder/an-image.jpg')
folder = client.folder('image_folder')
# lookups by id are more efficient
file = client.file_by_id(@file_id)
folder = client.folder_by_id(@folder_id)
- Adding a comment to a file.
file = client.file('/image_folder/an-image.jpg') # path
file = client.file_by_id(@file_id) # id
comment = file.create_comment('Hello World!')
You can use RubyBox's search method to return files and folders that match a given query.
items ='image')
items.each do |item|
p "type=#{item.type} name=#{}"
You can use RubyBox's event_response method to return an EventResponse that can be used to process any incoming events.
eresp = client.event_response
eresp.next_stream_position do |ev|
p "type=#{ev.event_id} type=#{ev.event_type} user=#{}"
- This must be manually enabled for your account by Box Staff. Contact [email protected] for access. [ More Info ] (
session ={
client_id: 'your-client-id',
client_secret: 'your-client-secret',
access_token: 'original-access-token' ,
as_user: 'your-users-box-id'
Current User Info
me =
Current User's enterprise
me =
An array of Ruby:Box users in an enterprise (Supports Filtering, Limit and Offset)
users = client.users
- Remeber the API filters "name" and "login" by the start of the string. ie: to get "[email protected]" an approriate filter term would be "sean"
users = client.users("sean" , 10 , 1)
RubyBox does not yet support all of Box's API Version 2.0 functionality, be liberal with your contributions.
- Rename account.example to account.yml and fill in your Box credentials
- Type bundle install
- Type rake.. tests should pass
- Add a failing test
- Make it pass
- Submit a pull request
Copyright (c) 2012 See LICENSE.txt for further details.