$ git clone git://github.com/zsh-users/zaw.git remote: Counting objects: 136, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (86/86), done. remote: Total 136 (delta 43), reused 136 (delta 43) Receiving objects: 100% (136/136), 23.68 KiB, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (43/43), done. $ echo "source ${PWD}/zaw/zaw.zsh" >> ~/.zshrc
and restart zsh or manualy source zaw.zsh
Trigger zaw by pressing
Ctrl-x ;
).select source and press
.filter items with zsh patterns separated by spaces, use
and select one.execute action by pressing enter key or press
for alternative action.instead, press tab key and select action you want to execute.
currently these sources are available:
- ack
- applications
- bookmark
- git-branches
- git-recent-all-branches
- git-recent-branches
- git-files
- git-files-legacy
- git-status
- history
- open-file
- perldoc
- process
- screens
- ssh-hosts
- tmux
(Note: git-files-legacy is an alternative for git-files. git-files classifies modified files, git-files-legacy doesn't do it for performance reason.)
zaw automaticaly create shortcut widgets for each sources that directly access to the source.
for example, execute bindkey '^R' zaw-history
press ^R
to access history source.
you can get all available shortcut widgets' name using zaw-print-src
$ zaw-print-src source name shortcut widget name ---------------------------------------- ack zaw-ack applications zaw-applications bookmark zaw-bookmark git-branches zaw-git-branches git-recent-all-branches zaw-git-recent-all-branches git-recent-branches zaw-git-recent-branches git-files zaw-git-files git-files-legacy zaw-git-files-legacy git-status zaw-git-status history zaw-history open-file zaw-open-file perldoc zaw-perldoc process zaw-process screens zaw-screens ssh-hosts zaw-ssh-hosts tmux zaw-tmux
zaw use filter-select
to filter and select items.
you can use these key binds:
enter: accept-line (execute default action) meta + enter: accept-search (execute alternative action) Tab: select-action ^G: send-break ^H, backspace: backward-delete-char ^F, right key: forward-char ^B, left key: backward-char ^A: beginning-of-line ^E: end-of-line ^W: backward-kill-word ^K: kill-line ^U: kill-whole-line ^N, down key: down-line-or-history (select next item) ^P, up key: up-line-or-history (select previous item) ^V, page up key: forward-word (page down) ^[V, page down key: backward-word (page up) ^[<, home key: beginning-of-history (select first item) ^[>, end key: end-of-history (select last item)
and these zstyles to customize styles:
':filter-select:highlight' selected ':filter-select:highlight' matched ':filter-select:highlight' title ':filter-select:highlight' error ':filter-select' max-lines ':filter-select' rotate-list ':filter-select' case-insensitive ':filter-select' extended-search example: zstyle ':filter-select:highlight' matched fg=yellow,standout zstyle ':filter-select' max-lines 10 # use 10 lines for filter-select zstyle ':filter-select' max-lines -10 # use $LINES - 10 for filter-select zstyle ':filter-select' rotate-list yes # enable rotation for filter-select zstyle ':filter-select' case-insensitive yes # enable case-insensitive search zstyle ':filter-select' extended-search yes # see below extended-search: If this style set to be true value, the searching bahavior will be extended as follows: ^ Match the beginning of the line if the word begins with ^ $ Match the end of the line if the word ends with $ ! Match anything except the word following it if the word begins with ! so-called smartcase searching If you want to search these metacharacters, please doubly escape them.