Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) with SLAM and Autonomous Navigation using ROS Framework in Indoor Environment
This repository is built for final year Electrical Engineering student's thesis at Bandung Institute of Technology
Every project in this repository are using Robot Operating System (ROS) Melodic Morena installed in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
- rplidar_ros - Package for RP Lidar
- teleop_twist_keyboard - Package for moving UGV with keyboard
- morpheus_chair - Package for Motor Driver
- slam_gmapping - Package for Mapping
- navigation - Package for Navigation (Navigation Stack)
- Christian Justin (NIM : 13217031)
- Audric Kristo Saragih (NIM : 13217044)
- Lisa Margaretta (NIM : 13217079)
- Dr. Pranoto H. Rusmin, ST., MT.
- Dr. Ir. Hilwadi Hindersah, M.Sc.