For additional documentation, please check out Responsive app layout.
A set of layout elements for your app. It includes:
app-toolbar - A horizontal toolbar containing items that can be used for label, navigation, search and actions.
app-header - A container element for app-toolbars at the top of the screen that can have scroll effects - visual effects based on scroll position.
app-header-layout - A wrapper element that positions an app-header and other content.
app-drawer - A navigation drawer that can slide in from the left or right.
app-drawer-layout - A wrapper element that positions an app-drawer and other content.
app-box - A container element that can have scroll effects - visual effects based on scroll position.
app-scrollpos-control - A manager for saving and restoring the scroll position when multiple pages are sharing the same document scroller.
$ bower install PolymerElements/app-layout --save
<link rel="import" href="/bower_components/app-layout/app-layout.html">