Compilation of SQL data analysis related projects and challenges where I practice SQL, Tableau, PySpark related skills.
SQL Languages
- PostgreSQL
- SQLite
- MySQL Workbench
- pgAdmin
- DB Browser for SQLite
Apache Spark
- Spark with pySpark
- databricks
- psycopg2
- jupyter notebook
MySQL project which is a cloned mimic version of Instagram database. It is used to perform data analysis for real world business related questions and scenarios such as
- find out the rewarding system for the loyal users
- launching campaign to target the weekdays with the most user registerations
- encouraging inactive users to log in back to the system
- etc.
MySQL data analysis project in helping Film Rental Store to
- perform data analysis for user behaviours
- discover marketing stats
- find actionable customer/business insights
- measure and track marketing efforts
- etc.
MySQL & Tableau integration project for analyzing employee data and visualizing the findings across the departments for management including
- What is breakdown between the male and female employees working in the company each year, starting from 1990?
- What is the number of male managers to the number of female managers from different departments for each year, starting from 1990?
- What is the average salary of female versus male employees in the entire company until year 2002? Need to filter out by departments.
- etc.
PostgreSQL project for helping fictional company called Parch & Posey for
- managing the Orders,
- finding out the relationship with different Accounts
- monitoring the performance of Sales Reps
- etc.
PostgreSQL Data Analysis project to help Chinook Digital Music Store to help how they can optimize their business opportunities and to help answering business related questions.
- countries with most invoices
- city with best customers
- finding out who the best customer is
- etc.
SQLite project for
- In the Restaurant - helping the Restaurant to manage customer information, reservations, orders and party invities in for Restaurant 20th Anniversary.
- At the Library - helping the Library to manage the books statistics, check out and loan process, managing on due loans, encouraging patrons, etc.
MySQL project for analyzing Californa population projection data
- getting population data and loading for data analysis
- finidng out male and female populations per county for 2014
MySQL project for analyzing Population Projection and Education data
- initital cleaning for education data
- finding the percentage of education attainment for each category across differnent age group
- getting demographics based on education data and age group
- finding out projection of education demand for each age group based on Population Projection and Education data
MySQL and python project for analyzing UK road safty data, accidents and severity level
- finding out what is meadian severity value of accidents caused by various Motrocycle
- Accident Severity and Total Accidents per Vehicle Type
- Average Severity by vehicle type
- Average Severity and Total Accidents by Motorcyle
MySQL and python project for analyzing Shakespeare's Mid Summer Night Dream play texts and characters
- loading information for analyzing purpose
- calcuating performance different queriy types such as SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
- manipulating plays and characters
PostgreSQL project in Jupyter notebook for analyzing international debt statistics using data from world bank.
- What is the average debt across countries?
- What is the maximum debt indicator?
- Which country has the highest debt in which debt indicator
- etc.
- data analysis challenges for Books and Authors
- Udemy Course: The Ultimate MySQL Bootcamp: Go from SQL Beginner to Expert
- handling and analyzing Large Ecommerce Store for clients, payments, invoices, products and shipping information.
- Course: Complete SQL Mastery
- In the Restaurant - helping the Restaurant to manage customer information, reservations, orders and party invities in for Restaurant 20th Anniversary.
- At the Library - helping the Library to manage the books statistics, check out and loan process, managing on due loans, encouraging patrons, etc.
- Lynda Course: SQL Code Challenges
- challeges your SQL knowledge with those SQL questions
- Skillshare Course: 30 Simple SQL Interview Queries
- challeges your knowledge with those SQL questions
- Skillshare Course: SQL Queries: Practice your SQL Knowledge!
- beginner challenges with fun instructors.
- Udemy Course: SQL for Data Analysis: Weekender Crash Course
To skill up my SQL related skills in specific areas and topics:
- Advanced SQL for Application Development
- Advanced SQL for Data Science - Time Series
- Advanced SQL for Query Tuning and Performance Optimization
- Advanced SQL for Data Scientists
- SQL for Statistics Essential Training
- SQL for Exploratory Data Analysis Essential Training
- MySQL Development - Lynda
- MySQL Configurations
- SQL Code Challenges - Lynda
- Database Clinics - MySQL
- Intro to Spark SQL and DataFrames
- Apache Spark Essential Training
- Spark for Machine Learning & AI
- Apache PySpark by Example
- Apache Spark Deep Learning Essential Training
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details