A Web App that presents a dashaboard with indicators, plots and cartographic representations related to population of Brazilian municipalities.
- Notebooks
- census_microdata.ipynb (scripts to collect census microdata and save treated files related to commuting)
- commuting_kepler.ipynb (generation of the kepler.gl object for rendering commuting maps)
- geodata.ipynb (scripts to collect and treat shapefiles of Brazilian municipalities, besides development of functions used in the app_functions)
- Python Files
- streamlit_app (aplication layout and functions calls to render indicators, maps and plots)
- app_functions (functionalities designed to retrieve dataframes, geodatrafames and plot correspondent information into the streamlit_app)
- geodata.py (functions used in the geodata.ipynb notebook to retrieve and treat geoespatial data)
- Directories
- Data (data used in the webapp)
- pop (population data)
- arranjos populacionais (base of urban aglomerations that encompass several municipalities)
- commuting (data related to origins and destinations of communters in brazilian urban aglomerations)
- microdata amostra (censitary microdata)
- setores (population data organized by censitary sector, areas used as reference to collect censitary data)
- territorio (geospatial data, like shapefiles and csv files with the territorial structure of refference)
- gif (gif used in the read-me file)
- pop (population data)
- Data (data used in the webapp)