The University of British Columbia
- Canada
- www.spiral.ok.ubc.ca
artoolkitX, providing high-performance video acquisition, marker and texture tracking for augmented reality, in native code for iOS, Android, macOS, Windows, and Linux variants.
Repo for the Spiral Lab's audio feature extractor project
Data processing and analysis for a survey that elicits audio descriptors.
A straght forward cmd-line point to point audio over UDP streaming server and client, transmitting 16 bit 44100 Hz PCM over W/LAN
jkranabetter / BFsegmenter
Forked from aume/BFsegmenterAudio segmentation with background/foreground prediction using ridge regression, and affect prediction using random forest regression.
A dataset for Audio-Visual Sound Event Detection in Movies
A Python script for recording audio from multiple channels simultaneously using PyAudio, with options for backup and customizable recording durations.
Stream audio over UDP with low latency (can be used for remote speakers)
Python interface for forced audio alignment using HTK and SoX
A curated list of sites with MIDI files on the Web
OpenPose: Real-time multi-person keypoint detection library for body, face, hands, and foot estimation
Creating, disseminating, and maintaining lecture slides has long been the standard model of providing students with presentation cues and lecture notes. We describe a system called slideDeck.js tha…