- Sikkim Manipal University, Sikkim, India
- A penultimate year student 🚀
- Bachelors of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering
- CGPA: 9
- Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata (May 2023 - July 2023)
- 🏆 Special Mention for the project: Fine-Grain Vehicle Detection & Recognition using YOLO
- 💡 Achieved precision rates of 83% and 54% for vehicle types and companies on Indian roads.
- AI/ML Co-Lead (August 2023 - Present)
- 🌐 Completed 30 Days of Google Cloud - deployed apps to Kubernetes and engineered data on Google Cloud Platform.
- 💻 Integrated Machine Learning APIs and explored various ML models.
- 🌱 Hosted AI/ML Hands-on Workshops for the GDSC Community.
- Web Development Core Team Member (July 2022 - July 2023)
- 💻 Participated in hands-on workshops and collaborative development projects.
- http://codess.cafe/ (Feb 2022 – Present)
- 🚀 Demonstrated dedication through active learning and valuable contributions to team discussions.
- 👥 Collaborated with senior developers, gaining hands-on experience in real-world development solutions.
Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to explore my repositories, and don't hesitate to reach out for collaboration or a coding chat. Happy coding!