A free and open-source streaming music web player using data from Reddit.
$ git clone https://github.com/musicplayer-io/redditmusicplayer.git
$ cd redditmusicplayer
$ npm install
$ cd server
$ npm install
$ cp config/reddit.coffee.sample config/reddit.coffee
$ cd ..
$ cp src/coffee/config.coffee.sample src/coffee/config.coffee
# edit src/coffee/config.coffee
// In development
$ grunt
$ npm start
// In production
$ grunt build
$ NODE_ENV=production npm start
You'll need a Reddit API key for this to work. As well as a running redis-server on port 6379.
SoundCloud API key.
Then edit it in src/coffee/config.coffee
Get the API key - Only required for authentication.
You can set an API key for development and production seperately in server/config.reddit.coffee
GPLv3 © 2014-2015 Ilias Ismanalijev