This is a module for simplifying interaction with Hannon Hill's Cascade CMS 8 REST API. This was built to handle some day-to-day task automation with Cascade CMS 8, e.g., access control management, workflow management, file naming rule enforcement, and more.
The driver class CascadeCMSRestDriver constructor accepts either a username and password combination or a user-specific API key (i.e., for a service account in Cascade CMS) in addition to an organization name, e.g. "cofc". From there, it uses these values to create some headers that are used in combination with the requests library to wrap requests against the Cascade CMS REST API in simple methods, like list_sites. The methods are based on the API's WSDL description. (Replace my-org in the previous link with your own organization).
To install the package, simply run:
pip install py-cascade-cms-api
# import
from cascadecmsdriver.driver import CascadeCMSRestDriver
# you can provide a username and password or alternatively an api key
# verbose boolean indicates whether to use verbose logging
driver = CascadeCMSRestDriver(
organization_name="my-org", api_key='my-api-key', verbose=True)
## driver = CascadeCMSRestDriver(
## organization_name="my-org", username='my-username', password='my-password',
## verbose=True)
sites = driver.list_sites()['sites']
for s in sites:
asset = driver.read_asset(asset_type='site', asset_identifier=s['id'])