This is a boilerplate/starter for a go and react project.
It uses the go gin framework.
Download and install golang
Download and install postgres
Setup Postgres: Setting up postgres on a mac
Setup postgres- windows: Setting up postgres on windows
Clone this repository
Use the queries in the server/db/.psql file to setup the database.
Enter the DB creds in the server/config/ file
Navigate to the server directory
> cd server
> go run main.go
This will start the go server.
To start the react app navigate to the client directory
> cd client
> yarn install
> yarn start
/session [GET]
/register [POST]
{ name String,
email String,
password String
- /login [POST]
{ email String,
password String
- /createReset [POST]
{ email String
- /resetPassword [POST]
{ id Int,
password String,
confirm_password String
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.