- This is a Simple Discord Token Generator which creates unverified discord accounts
- These accounts are good for member boosting for your server or for raiding
- Uses HCAPTCHA Bypass
- Accounts created are unlocked!
- Brain
- Download & put the hcaptcha.py file inside the project folder, check my hcaptcha bypass repo for the file
- httpx https://pypi.org/project/httpx/
- Rotating Proxies
- put server invite code inside ( invitecode = "") so that the accounts will join the server after creation
- add proxies inside "all://": "http://username:pass@ip:port" or "all://": "http://ip:port" depending on your proxies authentication
- add proxies inside hcaptcha bypass too > proxy="username:password@ip:port" or proxy="ip:port"
- Enjoy!
The release of "astaroth" and some other gen sources that went public caused increase in number of skids and they all started their tokens shop 🤡 i wanna get rid of them so i'll be sending this to discord to patch fuck you skids!!
- Discord : Avenger#7501