Featherweight, Responsive, CSS Only Navigation bar
This fork is an attempt to modernize Luxbar by using
- Native CSS functionality instead of SCSS
- Use without a build step, or use esbuild to bundle/minify
- CSS custom properties instead of themes
- Semantic HTML in favor of CSS classes
units instead ofpx
Use without a build step
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/luxbar.css">
Or create build files using
npm run build
npm run watch
Reference the built file
<link rel="stylesheet" href="build/luxbar.css">
Then use the HTML code below as a base and keep reading for options.
<div class="luxbar">
<input type="checkbox" id="luxbar-checkbox">
<div class="luxbar-menu">
<ul class="luxbar-navigation">
<li class="luxbar-header">
<a class="luxbar-brand" href="#">Brand</a>
<label class="luxbar-hamburger" for="luxbar-checkbox"> <span></span> </label>
<li class="luxbar-active"><a href="#">Home</a></li>
This version uses CSS custom properties to handle theming. Override these properties to change the theme.
:root {
--luxbar-color-bg: #3e63ad;
--luxbar-color-hl: #2d477d;
--luxbar-color-fg: #fff;
For example, the material red theme:
:root {
--luxbar-color-bg: #b71c1c;
--luxbar-color-hl: #c62828;
--luxbar-color-fg: #fff;
Or the material cyan theme:
:root {
--luxbar-color-bg: #006064;
--luxbar-color-hl: #00838f;
--luxbar-color-fg: #fff;
The base module includes three menu items. You can have more by adding <li><a href="#">Menu item name</a></li>
to the luxbar-navigation list. Adding the classname luxbar-active
to the luxbar-item will make it visually selected. You can have multiple selected items.
This fork of luxbar supports only one of the original styles luxbar-fixed
, instead of all three. This style will be always at the top of your screen even when you scroll down and will look something like this:
If you want to leave out the brand from your navbar simply delete the <a class="luxbar-brand" href="#">Brand</a>
part from your base module.
In mobile view (under 786px) there is an animated hamburger icon which transforms into an 'X' when you click it. This fork of luxbar only supports the single spin, not double spin. Please note that the blue highlight is only there because it was recorded in Chrome's mobile view, and won't be there on an actual phone.