Windows Update API tool to fetch updates and export to CSV
- Tool is in german
- a lot of plaing around went into this (SVG Buttons, AboutBox, etc.)
- uses WUApi
- Actually done to show output of diferent Windows Update display (Clasic Programs & Features, windows 10 Update History, Powershell Scripts) and be able to search better for KB Names
- does not show updates not distributed by Windows Update
Method 1:
- use: tlbimp.exe wuapi.dll /out=WUApiInterop.dll
- add WUApiInterop.dll to references in the project
- add using WUApiInterop; to the code
Method 2:
A mess!
probably plenty
For AboutBox (I am lazy)
For Searching in DataDrid: DataGrid Searcher von sa_ddam213(retired)