(all from project directory)
npm intall
node_modules\.bin\typings install dt~react --global --save
node_modules\.bin\typings install dt~react-dom --global --save
node_modules\.bin\typings install dt~promise --global --save
- to release the app on any change:
node_modules\.bin\grunt watch
- to clean the "dist" folder:
node_modules\.bin\grunt clean:release
- to webpack the app:
node_modules\.bin\grunt webpack:main
- to release the app:
- to run a local webserver:
node_modules\.bin\grunt connect:server:keepalive
define all grunt task o help the development
define your application package
use npm init
to pre-populate
define how TypeScript will do his job.
"files" section is dynamic. Do not change.
Instead update "filesGlob"
define how to lint the typescript / jsx code
define which typings are available for TypeScript
To install typings:
from project directory:
node_modules\.bin\typings install --proxy <PROXY> <TYPING> --global --save
for instance:
node_modules\.bin\typings install --proxy http://user:[email protected]:8080 dt~react-dom --global --save