Some useful git commands
git clone -- Use this to download the git repo (only need this for initial setup). Make sure you are in the desired directory, and it will create a folder named "sportsbook" with the repo.
git pull -- run this command before editing files always. Since for now we will be working together in the main branch, this will make sure you get the latest changes updated locally (will download all changes to the repo since last edit).
git status -- run this to check check which files you have edited and not committed / staged for commit. Make sure all edited files are staged and committed before pushing.
git add [filename] -- Stages edited file or new file for commit. To change file in repo for everyone else to see must first be staged, then commited, then pushed.
git add --all -- Stages all edited / new files for commit (a good shortcut)
git commit -m "[some message here]" -- This is the unit of change (if there is a problem we can roll it back to the previous commit). Type a message to indicate what changes have been made. Even between pushes you can commit multiple times.
git push -- uploads all commits (changes) to the repo on github for all to see
some file running tips
"" is meant to be run at the completion of the sports day (00:00 when all games that have active bets are completed), this will ask for "here to look", that is a recap of the day, say "no" at first, then input the results of the day (array of 1s and 0s) corresponding to the bets in "masterDaily.csv", this file wil add them all and update the file. If you wish to recap the day, run the file again and answer "yes" to "are you here to look"
"" is meant to be run once a day after interpretor, this yields the relevant bets and kelly weights of all bets for the coming day