cognitive-search-vector-pr Public
Forked from Azure/azure-search-vector-samplesThe official private preview documentation and code samples for the Vector search feature in Azure Cognitive Search.
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedAug 12, 2023 -
presidio-research Public
Forked from microsoft/presidio-researchThis package features data-science related tasks for developing new recognizers for Presidio. It is used for the evaluation of the entire system, as well as for evaluating specific PII recognizers …
Python MIT License UpdatedFeb 28, 2022 -
HebSafeHarbor Public
Forked from 8400TheHealthNetwork/HebSafeHarborHebrew PHI identification and redaction toolkit
Python MIT License UpdatedFeb 21, 2022 -
azureml-keras-yolov3-custom Public
Forked from michhar/azureml-keras-yolov3-customKeras implementation of YOLO v3 for object detection with training and deployment in Azure ML.
Python MIT License UpdatedFeb 10, 2022 -
NER-Evaluation Public
Forked from davidsbatista/NER-EvaluationAn implementation of a full named-entity evaluation metrics based on SemEval'13 Task 9 - not at tag/token level but considering all the tokens that are part of the named-entity
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 11, 2021