Ayaskant's Blog
NodeJS is a very powerful javascript based server. Its asynchronous I/O allows it to be much more scalable with much less hardware compared to other servers based on other languages.
- NodeJS setup and test
- NodeJS JSON request and response
- NodeJS routing
- NodeJS acreate application and view application object
- Server side templating with Jade
AngularJS can be a complete framework on the UI side with features like routing, services and dependency injection integrated into it
- AngularSJ Routing
- A sample service and dependency injection was done to demonstrate login feature
- Login feature was improved by using $cookieStorage module
- More features were added and data sharing was achived betweendifferent controllers. Child controllers were spawned under a parent controller as well.
- AngularJS-UI google maps
AngularJS has come across a very different framework. Unlike jquery which was a library, angular has its own patterns and rules which a developer must understand and use. This took significant time to understand and implement
- Data binding with angularJS - This included implementation of tables with angular JS as well.
- Search using AngularJS filters
- Search using $http and JSON response.
- AngularJS form field validations example.
- AngularJS-UI google maps
Week 3 was spent learning the most popular library available for web UI - jQuery. The APIs were found to be easy to use and the documentation available on the web was extensive. Apart from the goodness of the core library, the jQuery-UI extension provides a rich set of UI controls which are very useful and easy to code with jQuery. My experiments are as follows.
- jQueryUi - Drag and Drop
- jQueryUi - Sortable elements
- jQuery effect() method
- jQuery animate() method
- jQuery slideshow
After learning HTML 5, I started with CSS 3. The new features of animations and transitions were specially fancy and they can open up a new era of rich visual experience using web technologies. My experiments are listed as follows.
- CSS 3 borders
- 2D and 3D animations.
- Transitions
- Responsive layout with media queries (table)
- Background image and resize.