Both software and hardware lab implementations for CS461 Artificial Intelligence course, Bilkent University.
- Devise experiments to find the inductance and quality factor of inductors.
- Software:
- Verify the methods using LTSpice.
- Used LTSpice and MATLAB
- Hardware:
- Use proposed methods to measure the inductance and quality factor of two inductors.
- Devise a circuit to output a trapezoid voltage, provided a reverse step input based on Op-Amps and Rc circuits.
- Software:
- Design and verify using LTSpice.
- Hardware:
- Implemented the circuit and recorded the results using an oscilloscope.
- Design a passive linear circuit to generate high voltage spikes from a square voltage form.
- Software:
- Design and verify using LTSpice.
- Hardware:
- Implemented the circuit and recorded the results.
- Design two passive networks to transfer maximum power to a load at a chosen frequency.
- Software:
- Design and verify using LTSpice.
- Hardware:
- Implemented the circuit and recorded the results.
- Design a band-pass filter.
- Software:
- Design and verify using LTSpice.
- Hardware:
- Implemented the circuit and recorded the results.