Make your own quadrille, graph, hex, etc paper! Uses the pgf/TikZ package for LaTeX, which should be part of any modern TeX installation.
Lecture Notes on Computational and Mathematical Population Genetics
OpenBoard is a cross-platform interactive whiteboard application intended for use in a classroom setting.
CshlSiepelLab / argweaver
Forked from mjhubisz/argweaverSampling and manipulating genome-wide ancestral recombination graphs (ARGs)
Pure-python library for adding annotations to PDFs
Read-only mirror of
Bioinformatics pipeline for the identification of putative de novo mutation in a wolf pedigree
python interface to bnlearn and other probabilistic graphical model libraries
Infer demographic history with the Moran model
A Python library for phylogenetic scripting, simulation, data processing and manipulation.
Workrave is a program that assists in the recovery and prevention of Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). The program frequently alerts you to take micro-pauses, rest breaks and restricts you to your da…
A good looking terminal emulator which mimics the old cathode display...
Simple program to cap mapping quality in a given alignment file
Simulate genealogical trees and genomic sequence data using population genetic models
Supplementary files for my book, "Bioinformatics Data Skills"
Tools (written in C using htslib) for manipulating next-generation sequencing data
jamescasbon / PyVCF
Forked from jdoughertyii/PyVCFA Variant Call Format reader for Python.
C library for high-throughput sequencing data formats
Scalable Nucleotide Alignment Program -- a fast and accurate read aligner for high-throughput sequencing data
This is the official development repository for BCFtools. See installation instructions and other documentation here