This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.
Things you may want to cover:
Ruby version 2.2.3
DataBase postgresql
listing service, User service, Price Change Indexer
Listing Service:
/listings.html or /listings.json
GET -> #list all
POST -> #create new
/listings/:id/edit.html or /listings/:id/edit.json
GET -> #edit
/listings/:id.html or /listings/:id.json
GET -> #show
PUT -> #update
DELETE -> #destroy
User Service:
/users.html or /users.json
GET -> #list all
POST -> #create new
/users/:id/edit.html or /users/:id/edit.json
GET -> #edit
/users/:id.html or /users/:id.json
GET -> #show
PUT -> #update
DELETE -> #destroy
Price Change Indexer
/price_changer_index.html?listing_id=1 or /price_changer_index.json?listing_id=1
GET -> #show price update history