scripts for auto-setup of an ECS cluster and agent workdir
- AWS access configured
- awscli, ecs-cli and jq installed
- create an IAM role called ecsInstanceRole with the following policy attached: AmazonEC2ContainerServiceforEC2Role. see here for more details on this role.
- your ssh key imported to all regions:
./ ~/.ssh/
# create a cluster in us-west-2 (this will have no instances)
./ us-west-2 myCluster
# add an m5.large ec2 container instance to cluster (defaults to m5.large)
./ myCluster m5.large
# register a task definition
aws ecs register-task-definition --region us-west-2 --cli-input-json file://sampletask.json
# run the task definition "dd" on cluster
./ myCluster dd
to terminate all instances in cluster, but keep the cluster. - Run CLUSTER_NAME
to terminate all instances in cluster and delete it's cloudformation stack.