#TextHelp - Help your friends write their texts ##Texthelp allows you to post a text history and have your friends help you formulate the response. When you get to the response you want, you can send the text directly to the desired recipient.
###Front End https://github.com/azitowolf/GroupTextFrontEnd #Files ##JS - modal, textBox, modernizr, primary, suggested, app.js ##CSS - modal, textbox, reset, styles.css
###Back End https://github.com/azitowolf/GroupTextBackEnd #Components ##Rails API ##postgreSQL
#User Stories/Features
##Login/auth ###1. User should be able to log in ###2. User should be able to register ###3. User should be able to see which texts are theirs and which are not ####This is a major feature, as it establishes a hierarchy of authorization within the app
##Data Manipulation ###1. User needs to be able to GET all text histories for user and others ###2. User needs to be able to POST new text history to be recieved for feedback ###3. User needs to be able to POST new suggestion on a friends text history ###4. User should be able to vote on text suggestions ###5. User should be able to delete their texts ###6. User should be able to send a text ####using twilio API
##Feature list