If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding memo_generator
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:memo_generator, "~> 0.1.0"}
# Used to Authenticate your bot into the Trello workspace
config :memo_generator, api_key: System.get_env("TRELLO_API_KEY")
config :memo_generator, api_token: System.get_env("TRELLO_API_TOKEN")
# Customize what attributes you want on your memo
# You can chose between a text splash
attributes = %{splash: "<p>Please read carefully</p>"}
# A company logo
attributes = %{logo: "https://www.company.com/logo"}
# Or both
attributes = %{splash: "<p>Please read carefully</p>", logo: "https://www.company.com/logo"}
# To generate a memo for all boards with no added attributes
def go(:all, filename, title) do
# ...
# To generate a memo for a list of boards with no added attributes
def go(["Board_1", "Board_2"], filename, title) do
# ...
# To generate a memo for all boards with added attributes
def go(:all, filename, title, attributes) do
# ...
# To generate a memo for a list of boards with added attributes
def go(["Board_1", "Board_2"], filename, title, attributes) do
# ...
# To return a list of all boards the application has access to
def get_all_board_names do
# ...
# To delete a rendered memo from your file system
def delete(filename) do
# ...
# ... inside your application
def your_api(conn, assigns) do
board_list: boards,
title: title,
filename: filename,
opts: opts,
} = assigns
MemoGenerator.go(boards, filename, title, opts)
send_file(conn, filename)
iex(1)> MemoGenerator.go(["Backlog", "Secret Project"], "eCommerce-memo.md", "Weekly Memo - eCommerce", %{logo: "https://www.company.com/logo"})
16:04:44.341 [info] Rendered logo
16:04:44.355 [info] Rendered all cards for list: Backlog
16:04:44.430 [info] Rendered all cards for list: Focused
16:04:44.502 [info] Rendered all cards for list: Doing
16:04:44.586 [info] Rendered all cards for list: Done
16:04:44.587 [info] Rendered all cards and lists for board: Main
16:04:44.745 [info] Rendered all cards for list: Backlog
16:04:44.820 [info] Rendered all cards for list: Focused
16:04:44.897 [info] Rendered all cards for list: Doing
16:04:44.974 [info] Rendered all cards for list: Done
16:04:44.974 [info] Rendered all cards and lists for board: Secret Project
16:04:44.974 [info] Finished rendering: Weekly Memo - eCommerce, into file: eCommerce-memo.md
Created with ♥ by Azohra.