- nowhere
Tool for Active Directory Certificate Services enumeration and abuse
Impacket is a collection of Python classes for working with network protocols.
BloodyAD is an Active Directory Privilege Escalation Framework
SSH chat server using trust on first use for user registration
Tools for Kerberos PKINIT and relaying to AD CS
Python version of the C# tool for "Shadow Credentials" attacks
Free and Open Source Machine Translation API. Self-hosted, offline capable and easy to setup.
Universal local privilege escalation Proof-of-Concept exploit for CVE-2024-1086, working on most Linux kernels between v5.14 and v6.6, including Debian, Ubuntu, and KernelCTF. The success rate is 9…
A webshell plugin and interactive shell for pentesting a LimeSurvey application.
tunetheweb / wappalyzer
Forked from juliopontes/WappalyzerIdentify technology on websites.
🚀 Streaming file transfer over WebTorrent (torrents on the web)
Proof-of-Concept exploit for CVE-2017-7494(Samba RCE from a writable share)
Proof-of-Concept for LFI/Path Traversal vulnerability in Aiohttp =< 3.9.1
A proof of concept of the path traversal vulnerability in the python AioHTTP library =< 3.9.1
Tool for enumerate subdomains by Brute-force, or by using different options while grabbing results.
⚡ Perform subdomain enumeration using the certificate transparency logs from Censys.
Fast passive subdomain enumeration tool.
PEASS - Privilege Escalation Awesome Scripts SUITE (with colors)
Remote Unauthenticated Code Execution Vulnerability in OpenSSH server (CVE-2024-6387)
Read-only Git mirror of the Mercurial gecko repositories at https://hg.mozilla.org. How to contribute: https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/contributing/contribution_quickref.html
uBlock Origin - An efficient blocker for Chromium and Firefox. Fast and lean.
Capture the Flag game using the Minetest Voxel Engine