Phatcrack is a modern solution for distributed hash cracking, designed for hackers and other information security professionals.
Key features include:
- Built on Hashcat, supporting most common Hashcat attacks and almost all hash types.
- Excellent UX for manging projects, configuring attack settings, and viewing results.
- Distributes attacks, allowing both dictionary-based and mask-based attacks to be split across multiple workers.
- Automatically synchronises wordlists & rulefiles to all workers. Low-privileged users can be granted permission to upload wordlists & rulefiles.
- Modern web-interface, with multi-user support and project-based access control.
Docker is the only supported deployment method for the server. The following instructions assume you already have Docker installed on your server, and are logged in as root (sudo su
# Ideally the container processes should be run rootless, so we'll create an unprivileged user.
adduser --system --home /opt/phatcrack-server phatcrack-server
cd /opt/phatcrack-server
# Update your hostname here:
echo "HOST_NAME=phatcrack.lan" >> .env
echo "DB_PASS=$(openssl rand -hex 16)" >> .env
echo "PHATCRACK_USER=$(id -u phatcrack-server):$(id -g phatcrack-server)" >> .env
chmod 600 .env
# If you chose a hostname that is publicly accessible and expose this to the world (not recommended), Caddy will automatically deploy TLS.
## Otherwise, use the following for self-signed TLS
# echo "TLS_OPTS=tls internal" >> .env
## If you want to supply custom certificates, place them in a directory called `certs`
## And add ./certs:/etc/caddy/certs:ro as a mount in for
# echo "TLS_OPTS=tls /etc/caddy/certs/cert.pem /etc/caddy/certs/key.pem" >> .env
# Make a directory to persist files in
mkdir filerepo
chown phatcrack-server:phatcrack-server filerepo
docker compose up -d
You can then visit your local installation. The default credentials are admin:changeme
For each agent you want to enroll, visit the admin GUI, and create a new agent. Note down the generated API key, as this won't be shown again.
On each agent, you can manually set up the agent as follows:
# Create a user for the phatcrack agent
adduser --system --home /opt/phatcrack-agent phatcrack-agent
# Depending on your distro, you may need to the phatcrack-agent to a group
usermod -aG video phatcrack-agent
cd /opt/phatcrack-agent
# Download hashcat
wget -q -O hashcat.7z
7z x hashcat.7z
rm hashcat.7z
mv hashcat-6.2.6 hashcat
chown -R phatcrack-agent:phatcrack-agent ./hashcat
# Download the phatcrack-agent program from the local server
wget https://phatcrack.lan/phatcrack-agent
# Or, you can download from
chmod +x ./phatcrack-agent
./phatcrack-agent install -defaults -api-endpoint https://phatcrack.lan/api/v1 -auth-key API_KEY_FROM_SERVER_HERE
systemctl enable phatcrack-agent
systemctl start phatcrack-agent