Modern, lightweight and efficient 2D level editor
Unreal.hx: Haxe Integration for Unreal
React JS applications development using the Haxe language
An HTML/CSS rendering engine for the Haxe language
Cross-platform graphical user interface components for creative frontend projects — powered by Haxe and OpenFL
This library includes Haxe externs for Unity and .NET frameworks
A dependable package manager for your Haxe projects
Haxe-JS code splitting, NPM dependencies bundling, hot-reload
The Haxe Code Cookbook - A community driven resource website for learning Haxe in practise
Networking library for Haxe (UDP, TCP, RPC, Telnet, WebSocket)
mini cli : a simple library to easily create CLI applications
BrotliHaxe - hand ported decoder & encoder in haxe => JavaScript, PHP, Python, Java, C# (Project dev: 2013-2015 release: 2017)
Turn haxe classes into scriptable/interpretable/hot-reloadable code using hscript
TypeScript declaration file generator for Haxe JavaScript output target