This library includes Haxe externs for Unity and .NET frameworks, generated via the cslibgen utility. It also includes the HUGSWrapper "using" class, which includes various things to work around Haxe/C# translation issues, as well as make working with Unity easier.
Stable version
haxelib install HUGS
Unstable version
haxelib git HUGS
Example: src/Main.hx
import unityengine.MonoBehaviour; class Main extends MonoBehaviour { public function Start():Void { trace('Hello world'); } }
haxe -lib HUGS -cp src -cs cs -D no-compilation -net-lib "C:\Program Files (x86)\Unity\Editor\Data\Managed\UnityEngine.dll"
And then you can use *.cs files in Unity. Or you can try use project templates for some IDEs.
But in the mean time, you can check out our blog post on it.