Free sampling of files from the purported Equation Group hack.
GO Simple Tunnel - a simple tunnel written in golang
List of tools & datasets for anomaly detection on time-series data.
Anomaly detection related books, papers, videos, and toolboxes
High performance, easy-to-use, and scalable package for learning large-scale knowledge graph embeddings.
Small and highly portable detection tests based on MITRE's ATT&CK.
Hook system calls, context switches, page faults and more.
Ghidra is a software reverse engineering (SRE) framework
windows-kernel-exploits Windows平台提权漏洞集合
linux-kernel-exploits Linux平台提权漏洞集合
DriverBuddy is an IDA Python script to assist with the reverse engineering of Windows kernel drivers.
List of Awesome Advanced Windows Exploitation References
Your new Mentor for Data Science E-Learning.
Security Analysis tool for WebAssembly module (wasm) and Blockchain Smart Contracts (BTC/ETH/NEO/EOS)
The Ethereum Smart Contract Fuzzer for Security Vulnerability Detection (ASE 2018)
A curated list of awesome Ethereum security references
An Analysis Tool for Smart Contracts
Mythril is a symbolic-execution-based securty analysis tool for EVM bytecode. It detects security vulnerabilities in smart contracts built for Ethereum and other EVM-compatible blockchains.
A guide to smart contract security best practices
*UNMAINTAINED* Decompiler and Security Analysis tool for Blockchain-based Ethereum Smart-Contracts