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Application of the MorphAdorner Parser to the Parsed Corpora of Historical English

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Initial Steps!!!

This repository uses updated versions of the YCOE and PCEEC corpora that have had some errors fixed. In order to update the current corpora distributions from the Oxford Text Archives, follow the steps below. WARNING: Patching these files may take a long time!

YCOE patching steps

  1. Copy the psd folder from inside the YCOE directory to orig-YCOE: cp -r $YCOE-HOME$/psd orig-YCOE/
  2. Apply the patch: patch -p0 < diff-files/ycoe.patch
  3. Move the patched files into your corpora folder: mv orig-YCOE corpora/YCOE

PCEEC patching steps

  1. Copy the psd-cs2 folder from inside the PCEEC directory to orig-PCEEC: cp -r $PCEC-HOME$/psd-cs2 orig-PCEEC/
  2. Apply the patch: patch -p0 < diff-files/pceec.patch
  3. Run the psd-to-ref script to rename the psd files to ref: bash
  4. Move the patched files into your corpora folder: mv orig-PCEEC corpora/PCEEC

Lemmatisation for the Parsed Corpora of Historical English

For Early Modern and Modern English, the MorphAdorner group has put together a lemmatiser that is designed to deal with Modern English spelling and lexical variation. For the PCEEC, PPCEME and PPCMBE, the scripts strip the text from the parsed trees, run the resulting text through MorphAdorner and then reintegrates the text into the trees.

For Middle and Old English, there are no existing lemmatisers. These scripts include a preliminary lemmatiser using data taken from the Middle English Dictionary (for Middle English) and from the Bosworth-Toller dictionary for Old English. In both cases, when the form is ambiguous between distinct lemmas, all compatible lemmas are added to the parsed tree. In other words, the goal of the preliminary lemmatiser is to be overly permissive and include as a lemma anything that could possibly have that lemma rather than try to narrow down to the correct lemma for a particular form.

For Old English, I relied heavily on "Using the Levenshtein Algorithm for Automatic Lemmatization in Old English" by Bernadette E. Johnson. The list of Old English endings is primarily the list from that text.


  1. Make a symbolic link to a folder containing the Parsed Corpora of Historical English (see note below): ln -s path-to-corpora corpora/
  2. Unzip unzip morphadorner/
  3. Run make: make -j

N.B. The corpora folder must contain the following directories: corpora/YCOE/.psd corpora/PCEEC/.ref corpora/PPCEME/.psd corpora/PPCMBE/.psd corpora/PPCME2/*.psd


In the corpora-final directory, there will be three sub-directories for the three corpora: PCEEC, PPCEME, and PPCMBE. Each sub-directory will include .psd files in the CorpusSearch-compatible "deep format". The "deep format" replaces terminal nodes (under POS tags) with an ORTHO node for original orthography and a META node with metadata. The metadata here includes the standardised spelling, lemma and NUPOS tag from MorphAdorner.

Please let me know if you have any questions: [email protected]


Application of the MorphAdorner Parser to the Parsed Corpora of Historical English






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