- Overview
- Description
- Setup - The basics of getting started with pe_choco_install
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
Powershell user-data code to bootstrap a custom EC2 Windows instance
The script installs Chocolatey, which in turn installs Puppet Agent with the provided server address.
pe_choco_install will install Chocolatey with from its standard install command. Then will install Puppet Agent using choco install
with a custom Puppet Server adress as parameter.
You need a valid EC2 subscription, and obviously a Puppet Server to which the agent will report. Even though I tested only 64 bits systems, it should work in 32 bits too.
You'll need to edit the code and adjust the Puppet Server name.
Then inject the template from your Puppet AWS ec2_instance manifest:
user_data => template('dir_name/pe_choco_template.ps1.erb'),
and launch the instance. The user-data code will run during first boot, download Choco and then install Puppet Agent, which will register the node against Puppet Server during first run.
Tested on Windows 2008 R2 and 2012, both 64 bits.
Currently under heavy development.