A (sketch of a) lightweight, versatile, safe password manager.
import, export, translations, autotype, settings, backups and printing, bug report template implement key, expiration, sorting, change master password, groups, warn the user of duplicate entries, guides, autoclose, notifications, tray, TOTP, time support, show last file location MENU, check for updates, phase Node out, helpfile slideshow
Help, links and instructions: other file
Open Beta
Authorized Closed Beta Tester: Lucas Dutra Pereira
All code and logic behind them are proprietary, except when explicitly mentioned otherwise.
SimpleKeys was inspired on many other softwares, but that are too difficult to set-up and use, or don't have any support in Portuguese!
To see usage logs from SimpleKeys, head to %AppData%/simplekeys/logs on Windows and ~/.config/simplekeys/logs/ on Linux.
In case of bugs or questions, send an e-mail to [email protected]
Undergrad Final Project to the Sul-rio-grandense Federal Institute of Technology Campus Bagé
You guys rock!!!
@journeyapps/sqlcipher, electron-better-ipc, electron-context-menu, electron-log, electron-squirrel-startup, electron-store, electron-util, fs-extra, sequelize, Node.js, zxcvbn, jQuery, cli-loading-animation, electron, electron-installer-windows, electron-packager, @doyensec/electronegativity, TeleportHQ - https://teleporthq.io, SonarCloud - https://sonarcloud.io, Icons by Icons8 - https://icons8.com, Loading GIF and other Images by Giphy - https://giphy.com
Copyright (c) 2022 Kauã Maia Cousillas. This is free software and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the License; also see the Notice for more details.