The project / proof of concept showcases a simple way to use AWS DynamoDB directly from AWS API Gateway. The proof of concept consists of a DynamoDB, API Gateway and the necessary IAM Roles and IAM Permissions.
The Proof of Concept is a Rest API consists of 2 different routes, these routes returns dataset(s) from DynamoDB
route | description | response |
/users/<user>/orders |
Return the specified user orders | response-1 |
/users/<user>/orders/<order> |
Return the specified user specified order | response-2 |
"ordeId": "<some-id>",
"orderTotalValue": "<some-total-value"
"ordeId": "<some-id>",
"orderTotalValue": "<some-total-value"
"ordeId": "<some-id>",
"orderTotalValue": "<some-total-value"
Partition Key | Sort Key | Attribute |
PK |
SK |
order-total-value |
PK |
SK |
order-total-value |
#user#001 | #order#001 | 97.99 |
#user#002 | #order#002 | 919.99 |
#user#002 | #order#003 | 959.99 |
#user#001 | #order#004 | 199.99 |
#user#003 | #order#005 | 9.99 |
- Go to DynamoDB and Find the Create Table option
- Have "PK" as the Partition Key and "SK" as the Sort Key, and with the defaults create the table
- Insert some mock data into the table with an extra attribute called "order-total-value" and type "number"
Creating the Table 1
Creating the Table 2
Inserting some items
Available Records
In order the API Gateway AWS resource integration setup would send a successful request to the DynamoDB table, we need to provide a so called "Execution Role" within the route and method Integration Request.
The only permission we want to add to the API-Gateway is to Query
First we are going to set up an IAM Policy, which will be attached to a custom IAM Role. (In overall It might would be better if we won't reuse the same role within the 2 different route)
Next, Select The DynamoDB service, and select only the Query option, inside the Action/Access Level/Read Tab,
Next, In the Resources Tab, selecte the already created DynamoDB "arn". (If you don't know how to get, just go back to the DynamoDB and select your table, and it would provide the arn)
Finish the Process with, naming and reviewing the Policy settings.
After you have the right policy with the DynamoDB Query capability, Go to the Roles tab inside IAM, and press create role, and select the API-Gateway default option
You will see the summary of the policy, go with the attach policy button
Find the policy that you have just created regarding the DynamoDB Query and attach it
Finally, in the role summary you will see the currently attached policy as a managed policy
Setting up the REST API might take a couple more minutes setting up the application REST API than the provisioning a DynamoDB table or Creating the Role.
- First Go to the AWS API Gateway tab and Create a new REST API type API, at the current moment of time, the HTTP API does not support custom service integrations
Then, give a
to the API and let theendpoint type
field to be regional -
At this point the
resource is available, we need to create the paths and methods to reflect our plan to have/users/<user>/orders
routes withGET
http method -
First we are going to set up the
method by creating a new resource namedusers
under the basepath, and{user}
under theusers
, thenorders
under the/users/<user>/
Setting up the method we have to go through the following
- Set the
integration Type
toAWS Service
- Set up your desired
- The
AWS Service
in our case isDynamoDB
- The
HTTP Method
, because by default the interaction with DynamoDB is HTTP POST request. - We specify the
Action Name
to beQuery
- Here you have to provide the
Execution Role
, which is the same IAM Role that we have created before
- Set the
A new window will pop up, where you can oversee the resource, method execution context, in our case you can see how the request comes from the client to DynamoDB and goes as a response back to the client.
Next is the most confusing part, setting up the
Integration Request
andIntegration Response
First Click to the
Integration Request
from the previous view, and go to the bottom of the screen to select the mapping templates -
Here you have to specify the template type, which is
, universally with this feature AWS uses the template language called Apache Velocity -
use the following code here
#set($userId = "#user#" + "$input.params('user')")
"TableName": "orders-poc",
"KeyConditionExpression": "PK = :v1",
"ExpressionAttributeValues": {
":v1": {"S": "$userId"}
Here the code sets the user ID from the Path parameter, and for future reference the "$input.params(
) here is matching with the resource /users/<user>
/orders -
The request body is between the
, and its a standard DynamoDB Query with the additional template language syntax -
After saving the
Integration Request
, go test you method, there is a test button on theMethod Resource
screen, complete the{user}
input with an existing user id, and press thetest
If you did everything right, you would meet a similar result
Go to the
Integration Response
option, and need to map the templates here as well with the following,
#set($inputRoot = $input.path('$'))
#foreach($elem in $inputRoot.Items) {
"orderId": "$elem.SK.S.split('#order#')[1]",
"orderTotalValue": "$elem.order_total_value.N"
- After saving the
Integration Response
, test your function again from the available test screen, and you should get similar results, just with a proper response mapping
Almost there! But we have to go through the mapping process again with the "specified" orders
- First, create a new resource called
under the/users/<user>/orders
, and create a method calledGET
- Then, map the
Integration Request
andIntegration Response
in this resource the same way, we did before with theorders
- Integration Request:
#set($userId = "#user#" + "$input.params('user')")
#set($orderId = "#order#" + "$input.params('order')")
"TableName": "orders-poc",
"KeyConditionExpression": "PK = :v1 AND SK = :v2",
"ExpressionAttributeValues": {
":v1": {"S": "$userId"},
":v2": {"S": "$orderId"}
- Integration Response:
#set($inputRoot = $input.path('$'))
"orderId": "$inputRoot.Items[0].SK.S.split('#order#')[1]",
"orderTotalValue": $inputRoot.Items[0].order_total_value.N
After you deployed, go to the browser and copy and paste the same URL that the deployment would provide you!, and you should see a similar result than us.
Usually if you know, that you want to enable
, you should do it after creating the resources and methods, by clicking on theResource
Button, you would see an option toEnable CORS
, these feature take care of the CORS business, but you can have custom attributes as well. -
Test it and you can see the
header on the request
The attached template will create
- DynamoDB Table
- Policy to Query the Table
- Role to use the policy above from the API Gateway
- API Gateway
- proper resources
- proper methods
- deployment
- stage
If you want to use the template use the AWS Cloudformation CLI, locate into its directory and run
aws cloudformation validate-template --template-body file://cloudformation.yaml
to validate the template, if you find acceptable the result run
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name myteststack --template-body file://cloudformation.yaml --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM
You can check the process within the AWS console CloudFormation tab, if its finished, put some data to your DynamoDB table, and check out what is your API endpoint, and try to query it.
The template:
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Type: AWS::DynamoDB::Table
TableName: "orders-poc-table"
- AttributeName: PK
AttributeType: S
- AttributeName: SK
AttributeType: S
- AttributeName: PK
KeyType: "HASH"
- AttributeName: SK
KeyType: "RANGE"
ReadCapacityUnits: 5
WriteCapacityUnits: 5
Type: AWS::IAM::Role
Version: 2012-10-17
- Effect: Allow
- 'sts:AssumeRole'
Description: A temporary universal role to query DynamoDB from the API Gateway
- arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonAPIGatewayPushToCloudWatchLogs
RoleName: poc-query-role
Type: AWS::IAM::Policy
Version: 2012-10-17
- Effect: Allow
- 'dynamodb:Query'
Resource: !GetAtt DynamoDBTable.Arn
PolicyName: QueryDynamoDB
- !Ref QueryRole
Type: 'AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi'
Description: RESTAPI for the POC
Name: "poc-rest-api"
endpointConfigurationTypes: REGIONAL
Type: 'AWS::ApiGateway::Resource'
RestApiId: !Ref APIGateway
ParentId: !GetAtt
- APIGateway
- RootResourceId
PathPart: users
Type: 'AWS::ApiGateway::Resource'
RestApiId: !Ref APIGateway
ParentId: !Ref APIGatewayUsersResource
PathPart: '{user}'
Type: 'AWS::ApiGateway::Resource'
RestApiId: !Ref APIGateway
ParentId: !Ref APIGatewayUserResource
PathPart: orders
Type: 'AWS::ApiGateway::Resource'
RestApiId: !Ref APIGateway
ParentId: !Ref APIGatewayOrdersResource
PathPart: '{order}'
Type: AWS::ApiGateway::Method
HttpMethod: GET
AuthorizationType: NONE
Credentials: !GetAtt QueryRole.Arn
IntegrationHttpMethod: POST
- ResponseTemplates:
application/json: |
#set($inputRoot = $input.path('$'))
#foreach($elem in $inputRoot.Items) {
"orderId": "$elem.SK.S.split('#order#')[1]",
"orderTotalValue": "$elem.order_total_value.N"
StatusCode: 200
PassthroughBehavior: WHEN_NO_TEMPLATES
application/json: "#set($userId = \"#user#\" + \"$input.params('user')\")\n{\"TableName\":\"orders-poc-table\",\"KeyConditionExpression\":\"PK=:v1\",\"ExpressionAttributeValues\":{\":v1\":{\"S\":\"$userId\"}}}}"
Type: AWS
Uri: !Sub "arn:aws:apigateway:${AWS::Region}:dynamodb:action/Query"
- ResponseModels:
application/json: Empty
StatusCode: 200
ResourceId: !Ref APIGatewayOrdersResource
RestApiId: !Ref APIGateway
Type: AWS::ApiGateway::Method
HttpMethod: GET
AuthorizationType: NONE
Credentials: !GetAtt QueryRole.Arn
IntegrationHttpMethod: POST
- ResponseTemplates:
application/json: |
#set($inputRoot = $input.path('$'))
"orderId": "$inputRoot.Items[0].SK.S.split('#order#')[1]",
"orderTotalValue": $inputRoot.Items[0].order_total_value.N
StatusCode: 200
PassthroughBehavior: WHEN_NO_TEMPLATES
application/json: |
#set($userId = "#user#" + "$input.params('user')")
#set($orderId = "#order#" + "$input.params('order')")
"TableName": "orders-poc-table",
"KeyConditionExpression": "PK = :v1 AND SK = :v2",
"ExpressionAttributeValues": {
":v1": {"S": "$userId"},
":v2": {"S": "$orderId"}
Type: AWS
Uri: !Sub "arn:aws:apigateway:${AWS::Region}:dynamodb:action/Query"
- ResponseModels:
application/json: Empty
StatusCode: 200
ResourceId: !Ref APIGatewayOrderResource
RestApiId: !Ref APIGateway
Type: AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment
- APIGateway
- MethodGetOrders
- MethodGetOrder
RestApiId: !Ref APIGateway
Description: POC Deployment
Type: AWS::ApiGateway::Stage
DeploymentId: !Ref APIGatewayDeployment
Description: POC stage
RestApiId: !Ref APIGateway
StageName: test